Sorry to see you leave, but very pleased about the circumstances you're doing it under. Good luck, I hope it goes well.
Good-bye Everyone
by cognac 59 Replies latest jw friends
You'll be back.
This is some kind of last ditch effort by your husband to save you as a JW. And your willingness to at least TRY to accommodate his requests is probably a good move on your part as well.
I would probably do the same thing if I were in his shoes. Anything to get you off of here.
But Cognac, it's too late; You already know far too much!
Who is in the better position to make a decision whether Watchtower is God's chosen channel or not; the one who only listens to what Watchtower says about itself, discourages honest dialogue, condemns all other people and faiths as false and soon to be destroyed while elevating itself to the only ones God chooses; OR the one that gets a complete picture about the Watchtower from its own publications, from current JW's, from former JW's along with neutral sources and everything in between?
We all know the answer.
Cognac, do you allow your little child to die because of the Watchtower blood policy? It comes up suddenly, without warning and more often that you may realize.
Cognac, do you allow your child to grow up without school sports, plays, activities etc and instead insist on meetings, field service and just JW association?
Cognac, do you shun this child of yours if she says nope, JW's are not for me?
Cognac, do you push all those JW policies (no blood, shunning, arrogance, no charity etc etc) on other people and families in your territory too?
There are too many things to even bother bringing up here since you already know practically all of it by now.
I hope you do not allow your husband to control or brainwash you. It almost sounds like he already is. But, like I stated up top, I believe you are doing this to try to accommodate his desperate move here to show you are open.
Just like what happened to me and tens or hundreds of thousands of others like me!
Sometimes a little crack is all it takes before the whole dam eventually gives way. By agreeing to what you are now doing you may be able to introduce him to the new reality for him that the JW religion is not what it claims it is, and once that happens the flood gates can open up.
If you, Cognac, ever have any doubts take one good whiff of THIS again:
YEARS AND YEARS of mistakes and WT embarrassments and humiliations and just plain bad news.
God was sure not behind of of that!
And if YOU ever believe that JW's are still God's channel then please be sure to show up and see if you can defend it here.
Like I said in the beginning, you'll be back.
Happy Trails Cognac!
Oh we hate to see our family LEAVE!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....but we know you need to do what is best for you and your family which is why we were all brought together here to begin with isnt it?
love and hugs darlin
cognac and hubby, I like your compromise
take care
I have not had time to read all of this thread, Mrs Wobble wants me to make her lunch !, so I may be covering what others have said.
I believe you should both study the Bible as you say,don't forget the NWT is crap,and use a good modern translation,also the website "The Bible on One Page " is excellent for comparison of renderings.
Primarily though DO NOT allow any interference from Dubs,even in the form of "Watchtower Thinking" ,reading scriptures with their twisted explanations in mind. (Something I have to keep restraining Mrs Wobble from doing)
I wish you both all the best,I am sure you will be back,you will always have the love and appreciation of JWNers.
Cognac....I would take to heart how he reacts during your first "discussion". Will he be open and say "hum...that's an insteresting viewpoint" or will be automatically kick into defense mode of anything that opposes his preconceived WT views?
If that happens...maybe a marriage counselor is in order instead of "studying scriptures".
COGNAC- I'm sorry to see you go. I have my own hunch and theories as to why you are leaving the board . It's been stated here- but I'll keep my counsel to myself. Please don't allow anyone to take your free will out of fear. You have a magnificent mind and head on your shoulders - please keep informing yourself to keep thinking clearly without cult mind control - not only for you and your husband, but for your child . I wish you and your family the best and hope you boh find the happiness you both deserve
Mickey mouse
Take care Cognac. Best wishes to you and your baby.
I quit!
Take care and God bless. I hope you'll at least stop in at some point just to say hello.
Cognac..JW`s do not study the Bible without WBT$ literature..So religion has already entered your "Not a Bible Study"..
Enjoy your vacation..We`ll be here when you get back!