I guess I'm not shocked. But I am very calmed by you all. <-----That's not the weed talkin? :p
What statements really shocked you when you first came to this board?
by JimmyPage 24 Replies latest jw friends
JIMMY- Good thread. I had been out not going to meetings for over 3 years when I first came on here - and I was amazed how many other people had suffered injustices like myself in the organization. I was also equally shocked to see the child abuse problem was worldwide and had been covered over to save the " perceived " reputation of the WT society. It boggled my mind after watching Dateline with Barbara Anderson and reading experiences on here that witnesses were actually DFed for going to police authorities about child abuse. THAT STILL boggles my mind. I have learned a lot of valuable things here and made some lifetime friends . Think I'm gonna stay around for a good while I enjoy giving out information and receiving information here. It's a great venue
not a singular statement per se,
but the ongoing revelation of the
duplicitous nature of the WTSthe pedophile issues, wherein the b0rg
was shifting the offenders from one
hunting ground to another with the same
ease and dexterity of the oft-maligned
RCC, plus the total hypocrisy of the
UN/NGO situation where the b0rg dismissed
their "sleeping with the devil" as akin to using
a library card, after having DFd persons for
similar associations with benign organizations....i was demoralized and disgusted
all better now!
Lady Liberty
I was shocked and relieved to find that others had found the same things out on their own through deep research, and of course the help of the internet. I wasn't crazy afterall!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I learned so much by different ones who had posted what they had found and where to find it. Scans and copies from pulications I would have never been able to get my hands on were posted here by many many loving caring people who quickly became endeared to me in my exit out of the organization. I wanted proof of everything I was finding so that I wasn't just taking someones word for it. I was shocked to find everything I needed, and if I couldn't find something, there was and still is, always someone kind enough to help find it for me. THANKS JWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lady Liberty
I've seen the tone of this board change from intolerant and at times nasty to a nicer group of people that can relate to one another without losing control.