I know I have had several opportunities to transfer with a prominent position intact and turned them down to family logistics and such. Now that I am older I regret the decisions I made. I may not have been on easy street but it would have made things a whole lot better.
Did you ever make the wrong career choices?
by Quirky1 11 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, when the company I worked for (past tense) asked us to tell them if we saw instances of exclusion I should have kept my trap shut. You'd think I worked for the GB.
Many Mistakes
You can only look at the past
You can change the future........................
Get Started!!
My wrong career choice was pioneering.
I thought I did, until time passed and I looked back and realized it wasn't wrong after all. Everything fell into place just as it was meant to.
I'm now thinking of leaving it all behind and join the peace corp.
Gee JO, that's what I was gonna say. I've been very fortunate to get where I have without a degree. And it's been like domino's, I could not have reached this point without all that came before.
Quirk!! I always wanted to do that! My daughter too. Let's go!
Ahhh do you have to have a usable skill??
Being a JW who graduated high school in 1971, I made a terrible career
choice, I became a full time pioneer.
I still havent recovered from that.
I should have went to college and had a foundatin to build a career on.
Being raised a witness and having faulty witness thinking lead to one bad decison
after the other.
Then some jobs I wanted I couldnt get, Maybe there was too much competition
maybe I didnt know the right people.
I tried to get hired by the post office, I couldnt
I tried to get hired by the fire department, I came close but didnt get hired.
I tried to become an air trafic controller when I was 31 years old and after I escaped
the tower, they told me I was too old, Thats something you have to get into right out
of school, thats when I was pioneering, changing the world for God.
So I ended up settling for what was available, and what was available was not permanent.
Many times.