Book-Burning in Wisconsin

by daniel-p 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    I think when you ignore nutjobs, they just get nuttier.

    There's more sex in the bible than your average "dirty" book.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Doe you disprove that statement your self. You've not gone away at all, but have actually become more prominent.

    You prove that statement. You've become scarce here lately.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I, for one, definately want to know if there is sex or other immorality that the Bible forbids before I pick up the book. That way I won't waste time looking at books that don't have that stuff in them

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Be nice to Doe. He's cute.

  • dinah

    I know that's right, White Dove!!!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Leprechaun or Viking?

  • beksbks

    Oh Hell No!!!

    Ok, Leprechaun

  • Beachwalker

    As a librarian, I can say that it is up to the parents to watch over what their children read. I know of families, fairly fundamental, that oversee every single thing that their children take out of the library. It's easy to complain about content in the library, but who will put the effort into it? You will find that when they signed for their library card, the onus is on them.

    Libraries do not censor. They rely on the statutory bodies, eg, film classification boards, etc, for that.


  • MissingLink

    I don't know, I got mixed feelings on this one. Knee jerk reaction is that banning books is bad and these people are idiots. Those books definetly should not be banned or burned.

    But on the other hand some sort of labeling might be helpful. I wouldn't shield my children from these things indefinitely, but at a very young age, I don't think they need to be reading about sex.

    My boy is 7 and an extremely smart bookworm. He reads books from the 12-18 section. And he reads a heck of a lot more than I can. There's no chance of me keeping ahead of him. Some standardized rating system would be helpful for us to pick books appropriate for him.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Some standardized rating system would be helpful for us to pick books appropriate for him.

    That would certianly help him to know which books to sneak in.

    As most smart people discover, nothing creates a good market for something like forbidding it.

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