Breaking News - Russia Close to Banning JWs Entirely YouTube Video

by cognac 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen

    Great video thanks for sharing Cognac.

    Message to Jehovah's Witnesses - you ARE in the real world. Deal with it , get used to it ! The new one ain't comin' ! You done been lied to ! Stop abusing your own people and outsiders !

    Says it all really.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I believe we were discussing Russia... but it doesnt matter what organization it is, if it KILLS people with its "beliefs" in the Name Of God then it shouldnt be allowed to exist. If it HATES people in the Name of God it should not be allowed to rally people to its cause either. The Borg wants the entire human population to DIE soon except for themselves. Thats enough evidence for me that they are vile and evil.

  • Black Sheep
  • cognac

    Thanks Black Sheep. I was wondering though, when this case will be settled. I guess the BORG appealed so its still pending...

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I view this as highly suspect.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have the right to practice their faith (personal association), or at least, should have that right. The question then arises as to particulair forms of behavior that fall inside of that association which are possibly detrimental to society.

    Personally, I belive that if a state wants to interfere with the practices of a faith, it has to deal with official policy and not overall status. Legislation that restricts the types of public punishments members of a group can inflict on children (like disfellowshipping) could be an avenue worth exploring.

    In the end, tracing the negative aspects of psychological behavior is extremely difficult and complex. These kinds of groups have only developed in the past 50-100 years. Many socities have not been able to understand them fast enough. Legislation aimed at restricting their activites is a new frontier that few free governments seem willing to enter. The fact that this is happening in Russia gives no reason for encouragement.

    Current political forces in Russia are against JWs because the group does not encourage people to be model citizens of the state. The iironic thing (as many commentators on JWs write) is that the witnesses always demand freedom for their organizational leadership, yet restrict the freedoms of individual members.

  • neverendingjourney

    Nothing would excite JWs more than having governments ban their work. I remember back when Russia closed down JW operations in Moscow, local JWs were giddy with excitement. Prayers asking for protection of our persecuted Russian brothers were all the rage. From hearing the friends talk, you would think we were on the verge of a JW holocaust.

    Of course, it was a relatively minor development. Paradoxically, JWs were disappointed that the persecution didn't continue. Government persecution only serves to strengthen these types of groups. The most effective route, in my mind, is when they're marginalized and ignored by the general public.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Russia plays by different rules. It's hard to understand them through western eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if they ban the dubs. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

    Since their meetings were banned in Moscow, the dubs would go and hold their meetings just outside the city. However, if they were banned in the entire country, what would they do? They'd have to go back underground. I don't think that would be what most are mentally prepared for. The litteratrash feeds the "persecution complex", yet it has been expected that the governments and UN will destroy FALSE religion first, then turn on the dubs. If they're turning on the dubs first, well, I guess Brooklyn will have to come up with some new spin on "prophecy".

    B the X

  • MarisaKristofiak

    it will likely only make them stronger, if history repeats itself, which it often does

  • jamiebowers

    Hopefully Russia will reconsider banning the jws. It would be better if Russia just denies the WB&TS tax free status as a religion and puts it on their cult watch list.

  • ldrnomo

    Love that comment billy. Oh and you can believe they'll put a spin on it. The fact is they are dying, it's a slow death to us, but to Jehovah it's only few minutes.

    Good riddens


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