Breaking News - Russia Close to Banning JWs Entirely YouTube Video

by cognac 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Perhaps we're heading for a hatrick:

    Spain: forces WT to pay pension benefits. Check.

    Russia: Borg banned.

    France: Borg fined $50 mil.

    A girl can dream.

  • under_believer

    Can't support that. Freedom of thought is vital for any living, breathing democracy. Banning of any faith is a very bad sign that Russia is heading in the wrong direction, but then we all knew they were anyways.

  • daniel-p

    Check again. The European Union central government is growing all the time. But in this case you're somewhat correct - the fines mentioned are being imposed by one of the member states of the EU - France. But this could be appealed to the european courts who can overrule the state government (just like the US Supreme Court can overrule US State courts).

    Glad to know I'm "somewhat" correct. Let me ask you this: Does this country "Europe" include all European countries?

  • NINfan05

    this is very interesting thanks for sharing

  • WuzLovesDubs

    There are some organization that just arent RELIGIOUS they are self serving cults and thats what the JWs are. They arent interested in saving anybody they are just interested in recruiting and self perpetuation.

    I dont think the Klan is allowed to roam freely and do what they want to either...nor are communists. There is a limit and governments have to act on the basis of the greater good.

  • megs

    Daniel, I don't understand your question "Does this country "Europe" include all European countries?" ML was referring to the political/economic entity of the EU which consists of 27 countries ... Obviously he would not be referring to Europe and it's 50 countries as a singular country...

  • daniel-p

    Daniel, I don't understand your question "Does this country "Europe" include all European countries?" ML was referring to the political/economic entity of the EU which consists of 27 countries ... Obviously he would not be referring to Europe and it's 50 countries as a singular country...

    Then why did he insist on breaking my balls in reply to my cheeky statement that "last I heard Europe wasn't a country"? He's breaking my balls. Ball-breaker. Don't break em!!! for gods sakes.

  • under_believer


    The Klan is a malignant terrorist organization. Regardless of the pain you and others may or may not have suffered at the WTS's hands, comparing them to the Klan may be a stretch. In any case, the Klan is still allowed to hold rallies, parades, and take part in other "free speech" type activities. The ACLU has even defended their right to do so.

    And as for "communists", well, I can only refer you to this website:

    There is an active communist party in the United States and it is not prohibited from existing or limited in speech in any way. Darn that pesky First Amendment!

  • sammielee24

    Very good news - as for freedom of religion and/or freedom of thought - the two are not synonomous. One also has to define the term 'religion' and that definition should hold fast in order to receive taxpayer support and charitable status. If one cannot practice religion without punishment or harm, then that persons rights have been violated and there is already too much security for corporations vs natural persons. A minor baptized or committed to a 'religion' in some way and who is persecuted or punished when seeking to relinquish their relationship with said religion, has been harmed - and for the good of the majority, it is those sort of actions that must be examined for validity of definition. A person can wander into a Catholic church and decide not to attend, they can read a book on any other religion and not be persecuted, they will not have their family directed to cut them off if they turn from the church - ditto many other religions - not so the WTS. Half of my family is Catholic and nobody has ever once been cut off from family or died from directions at the top - not so the WTS. sammieswife.

  • flipper

    COGNAC- Great U-tube ! Thanks for posting. Hopefully I feel this may be a trend that is starting to take place . As Mickey Mouse said, first Spain, then Russia, now the France witnesses getting fined 50 million $$$$ - governments can only put up so long with the repressive crap that the WT society hands down to it's people claiming to be " no part of the world " and all . Message to Jehovah's Witnesses - you ARE in the real world. Deal with it , get used to it ! The new one ain't comin' ! You done been lied to ! Stop abusing your own people and outsiders ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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