The bad dreams are back again...

by Pandoras cat11 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pandoras cat11
    Pandoras cat11

    I know dreams are our brains way of dealing with problems or situations that are occuring in our life. The experts say it is healthy and to an extent I believe this. How can it be healthy when you wake up shaking and trying to mouth "Jehovah" or "help". My heart also races to the point where you can hear the beating in your ears!!! These dreams have been going on for about two years now. This corresponds with our fade. I get the connection.

    I haven't had the dreams lately and I thought that it was finally under control. WRONG. For a week now the dreams have been terrible. Yes, I know what triggered them. I had a confrontation with my mom that was horrible and the tears and the crying were heartbreaking from her. It made me sad and mad at the same time. Have not written about it because it's the same old story that everyone is dealing with when they fade and family is nearby. Nevertheless, the dreams came back. I am being chased and can't see who it is and I am trying to find my kids. Sometimes it's in forest, sometimes in my house. (That one is the worse). Last nights was a real hoot. I was at the convention by myself and everyone around me were people from my past---kids from kindergarten on up to high school, people from the neighborhood, old congregations. I was sitting backwards, weird I know. Someone was speaking from the platform and I turned and looked and it was my Mom. Yikes. Mother issues? The convention ends and I can't get out of the stadium and then the dream jumps back to my house where I'm being chased. Woke up hollering.

    The connections are easy to see. Dang it, though, when will they end if ever? Oh--I am not on medication of any sort, I wan't drinking, and haven't done anything to compromise my bible trained conscience!! HEHEEE So for those who are experiencing these kind of dreams, and I am sure some of you are, remember you are not alone.

    Thank goodness Freddie Kruger was in the movies!!!

  • bibledike

    I personally think its your conscience trying to get the best of you. I'm no doc. but maybe sleeping pills might help like tylenol pm or something too you get used to sleeping. Or drinking warm milk when i was younger it used to help me. Sometimes when i felt like i was doing something wrong i would have a bad dream so i would listen to soft rock until i fell asleep with a glass of warm milk it also cured me.

  • nelly136

    you could try keeping a 'dream' or 'nightmare' diary, maybe if you write down what happens in the day before and whats in the dream what you ate/drank last and times there may be a common factor that triggers them or makes them worse, hope they pass soon

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    I don't know if there is any scientific evidence but I tend to have nightmares if I have eaten cheese. Even if I have forgotten I've eaten cheese that day the nightmares still happen.

    I have read that dreaming can be likened to the filing cabinets in your brain being open and shut with the contents flung around. I think this is very apt as our brain is trying to make sense of the contents of our memory banks.

  • Pandoras cat11
    Pandoras cat11

    Freedom Fighter--WOW. Lightbulb moment. I am a cheesaholic!!! Had a slice of cheddar and some grapes before I went to bed. That sounds to easy though...

    Warm milk was mentioned. To put it delicately----I can't have any liquid before bedtime or I will be in the "loo" all night. lol

    Won't take sleeping pills or Tylenol P.M. because I have kids in the house, one with a medical condition.

    Thanks for your thoughts!!

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    I dream every night, always have done. I experience very vivid dreams which I can recall the next day. Cheese seems to put my brain into overload and turn the normally odd but ok dreams into nightmares.

    I read something somewhere about a chemical in cheese that can act as a stimulant - may be someone else knows more than me. I've never needed LSD, give me a Kraft cheese slice for a more far out trip!

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    The worst dream I beloved and dearly departed was chasing me. I wound up in a swimming pool trying to get away because he was chasing me with a hand gun. When I got to the edge of the pool to get out, he was there, pointing the gun...bang. I woke up before the bullet hit my forehead.

    That scared me. I loved grandpa (non-jw) and he loved me. It freaked me out. I thought it was because of my doubts and that scripture about family turning on family and giving them up.

    I never had it again...but I can relate to being scared to death in a dream! I am so sorry. I hope they go away. If you pray, have you tried praying about your dreams before you drift off?

  • Kudra

    Wost dream- when I was a kid- ~11 or so I had a dream that I was not making it through Armageddon.

    I used to have the random "demon" dreams- like when I woke I KNEW there was a presence in the room... yeaaaaah, no more of those since I am no longer at the kingdom hall...

    The dreams should go away... I promise! If it has been too long for you, see a doctor- no shame in it!

    Also, if I have spicy food or BEANS before bed I get all sorts of weird dreams. No nightmares, but just bizarre very realistic stuff.

    There is some truth to the bean-dream thing. Some enzyme or other thing in beans trigger mental gymnastic when u sleep. I learned about it when I was in skool.

  • Robdar

    I empathize with your struggle. I still occasionally have bad dreams that are left over from my experience as a witness. I don't think they ever go away but you get to where you can tolerate them. Good luck and sweet dreams.

  • WTWizard

    These are normal--especially if your experience has been particularly bad (and even more so if you were born in, since they are not going to be tempered with pre-witless experiences).

    I have had dreams of being on my way to an a$$embly that turns into something else--often another church, a school part, or doing something else that I might have done prior to being a witless. Which would not have been possible had I been born in--being a witless pollutes school and everything else, and every trip is field circus or a boasting session. This means you are going to have this issue permanently--especially if you were born in, heavily in it, and left when you were in your 30s or later.

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