Is that a fact of life?
Everyone lies!
by asilentone 18 Replies latest jw friends
Answering that question, defines the individual.
If I say everybody lies that means I lie.
If I say not everybody lies that makes me ignorant and unaware.
Some people lie more than others.
How can you tell a politician is lying?
His lips are moving.
Perhaps, intent is the important thing. It's something that i wonder about. In the wt, everything was black and white. In the world, it seems that it's mostly shades of grey, w an occasional black or white.
No. Not all people lie. Most of the time.. Unless its important... Just ask the Apostle Peter....
It's hard to be a former JW and realize toward the end that I lied to myself. Is that different then lying to an asshole boss as to why you were 5 minutes late for work, or why a report is late?
Lying is a classic vested interest human story.... Fascinating subject; moral relativism at its finest.
ATJ, come on, everyone lies! I believe that to be a fact of life whether you like it or not.
John Doe
You're going to have to elaborate to have a meaninful discussion. Do you mean that no one exists who hasn't told a lie? That is perhaps so. However, if you mean that everyone makes lieing a practice and a habit and that people are all dishonest, that is patently untrue.
Someone emailed me that person never lies. Bullshit!
The Berean
"Just let your word Yes mean Yes, and your No,No, for what is in excess of these is from the wicked one." (Matthew 5:36 NWT)
" In the abundance of words there does not fail to be transgression ..." (Proverbs 10:19 NWT)
Who among us can give simple straightforward answers without sidebars expressing biased and sometimes inaccurate information?
Truth and lies are the same color in a different light.
In today's world, it is necessary to lie in order to stay out of trouble--mind your own business, and they will come after you for stupid things. If no one ever lied in this world, chances are good that they would either be in jail, out on the streets (because they would never get hired), or both.
This kind of lying is one thing. However, to tell lies in order to coerce someone into doing something bad (or to trick others) is bad--it is those kinds of lies that have resulted in the practical necessity in this world for the average person to have to lie in order to get along in the world.
"Do these pants make my butt look good?"
The trueful answer has you sleeping on the sofa for a week, the lie gets you a kiss and a hug.
What do you say to your wife?