You're the most reasonable atheist I've run across yet, though, Besty. There's hope for you yet ;-)
Are Most Scientists Atheists?
by passwordprotected 57 Replies latest jw friends
We're thinking of having Besty disfellowshipped from Atheism for his lack of faith and commitment.
We're thinking of having Besty disfellowshipped from Atheism for his lack of faith and commitment.
Going back to the original question: maybe it has to do with the type of science. I'm reading a lot about Quantum Pysics and it's different. It seems to be proving more that their must be something out there that cares because of what they are discovering in that field. Just thought I'd throw that in
Going back to the original question: maybe it has to do with the type of science. I'm reading a lot about Quantum Pysics and it's different. It seems to be proving more that their must be something out there that cares because of what they are discovering in that field. Just thought I'd throw that in
One of our neighbours and friends is a professor of physics, specialising in semiconductors. He's the youngest professor in this field in the UK. He's also an elder in a local evangelical church. Interestingly, his church is classed as charasmatic, so they believe in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Not that this proves much...
We're thinking of having Besty disfellowshipped from Atheism for his lack of faith and commitment.
Yes, he is being brought up, as we speak, on charges of being a "faitheist", a "godlycoddler",
and even....*shudder* a Unitarian!oh the horror...
Shame on you inkling. You know we're not supposed to speak of the details of our secret internal practices in public. You should apologize to the high-preists of atheism.
I aim to be all things to all men.