Help! First X-mas Party

by TweetieBird 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    Yes, bring a gift definitely! Something all can share would be my suggestion so a bottle of wine sounds great. Remember to get the kind with a cork (ha ha).

    I may not like what you have to say, but many men gave their lives for your right to say it.

  • unclebruce

    SatanSpawn - stop shak'n 'n pull yer britches up, there's ladies present!


    Hey Dunnybrush, Plonk = Booze .. geez you look prerdy wiv yer mistle toes on yer head.

    unc with cheap red plonk and a 3 day growth .. (((smooch))) lol

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Dear Sister TweetieBird:

    Attending a Christmas party represents a definite first step into the darkness. Whether you brought wine or other small gift is irrelevant. May I suggest that you contact your body of elders immediately and confess this sin. I'm certain that they will be very understanding and work to restore you and your evil husband back to spiritual health. Also, if you noticed any other JW's at this party, I suggest that you simply mention them by name to the elders and let these men handle the matter with love and gentleness.

    Before it's too late and you are overcome by other Satanic holidays, go to Jehovah in prayer, but most importantly, go to the elders. If you prefer to write to the society first, that is always good. Let them notify the elders on your behalf.



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