Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding "attention seekers"?
by BonaFide 208 Replies latest jw friends
Hi isaac
We'll see if you can keep to your new vow, I stand by my point, pro-Jw point of view is not attention seeking and anti-witnesses will not be able to let us speak unchallenged.
On saying all this even though you have bought into the propaganda of this forum isaac, I have enjoyed our debates you have Put some interesting viewpoints that i've enjoyed even if I haven't agreed with them.
i'll ignored you recent need to abuse me like calling me swine and liar recently.
Reniaa said: you cannot ignore us even if you try because we will keep posting and enlightening lurkers to certain assumptions and misleadings on the part of anti-witnesses/apostates and to ignore us is to allow the readers to see what we write unchallenged and so see the truth of it. Impossible for an apostate to allow this!
ROFLMAO!! 'Enlightening lurkers'? 'writing unchallenged'? You can't possibly be serious Reniaa. If you truly believe that the drivel you've written has made anyone 'turn back to Jehovah' then your delusions are matched only by the depth of your stupidity. Your posts are indeed important, because they demonstrate the lack of intelligent thinking and reasoning. You are the poster-child for mind control in a cult. We've tried reasoning with you from the scriptures, we've used the Society's own publications, historical and archaeological evidence---hell, we've even tried using just plain common sense. You either ignore the questions, or talk in circles, or try to answer the question with another question, or when the heat really is turned on, you run away like a coward to a pro-Witness site where you claim persecution status, turn everything around in your warped little mind to where you actually believe you've won an argument, and then you trot on back here to where you continue to post more brainless comments because you know it'll get you attention---even if it's negative attention.
I also find it interesting that someone who claims to have a severely handicapped child can find sooo much time to post on 'apostate' websites. Ah well, I guess it's the only way you can feel better about yourself eh?
Carry on.
Thanks Mary...now back to topic....What would I do to an attention seeker? Perhaps give them attention that ignores what they are seeking. FOr instance, if the seeker is seeking recognition in the form of comments I may make a completely irrelevant comment that lacks any substance...and perhaps take the fun out of the attention seekers mission.
I think reniaa suffers from a persecution complex (although quite common amongst JWs, hers is extreme - maybe that's why she feels 'connected' to them). She appears to have been a victim all her adult life, and she would possibly love to be banned from these forums just to reinforce her self loathing and feed her 'I'm a victim' status. If she is as she represents herself, I think she's in dire need of clinical intervention...and Social Services should (possibly) be concerned about her kids' welfare.
keyser soze
I stand by my point, pro-Jw point of view is not attention seeking
Agreed. But taking a pro-JW stance because you know it will rile people up, is.
anti-witnesses will not be able to let us speak unchallenged.
Why should they if they believe you are wrong? You claim you are doing this for the sake of those lurking, who are on the fence. Those who challenge you are doing the same.
" Dear Heavenly Father ,Creator of the Heaven & Earth
where two or three are gathered together YOU are there ,also
YOU,,, LORD know this persons heart,If she is a truthfull witness
of you>JESUS!!! please touch her mentally ill child,& her other
children,You LORD know how damaging her mind control can
damage little souls, As you know I did it to mine,Before you
sent me the HOLY SPIRIT as my teacher.
My prayers are for this person who says she is reniaa,But
YOU are aware of her. Please we all agree,that YOU help her
as WE may be harming her mentality,I ask this is the NAME ABOVE
Hi mouthy
I will say this nicely but I do not want prayers like that said for me and my children.
hi midwich and Mary
ad hominen!!!!!
hi keyser
Fair point and I probs wouldn't be on this site if so many people, mainly non-witnesses didn't come with questions of witnesses thinking this is a witness site and get the full apostate make-over. My advice to all lurkers is goto a meeting at a kingdom Hall for yourself and see the truth of just normal People following their God Jehovah and under the rule of their king and saviour God's son Jesus our Lord.
Mouthy, that was a beautiful prayer. I will join you in that.
Regarinding the topic at hand, I may also simply ignore an attention seeker...this generally fustrates them. After all, in school what were you told to do to someone calling you names? Ignore them! No one likes to be ignored. That gets the person madder than if you were to call them back a worse name.
hi midwich and Mary: ad hominen!!!!!
Great response Reniaa, just as I predicted.. That outta get any lurkers on here to go back to the Kingdumb Hall!