To: Borgfree / Elder Culpability

by Amazing 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws


    You said: is it possible that these types of Elders can do good, avoid harm, and find some way to balance out their continued active involvement? Is this a ‘Black and White’ issue, or perhaps an area that allows shades of gray? What do you and others think?

    During the past 10 months the local Jw congregation lost 2 good elders who resigned. There is one other LOVING elder left who also resigned momentarily and then changed his mind. As many here have noted the WT society is loosing the best men and leaving behind a body of elders dominated by the mindless, loveless and the dumbest elders.

    I personally hung on as long as I could with the singular motive of mitigating harm. Every time I thought I would just get out permanently something would come to the body’s attention that leaving the problem to the mindless seemed criminal, and I would postpone my exit. My final decision to resign was good for me and my family but seemed like the most selfish thing I have done in my life.

    I’m getting over it, and moving on. I now place the blame for harm where it belongs rather than on myself for leaving. Hope others can relate to this dilemma.


  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    Hello Amnesian:

    It's folks like you that give us "Watchtower apostates" a bad
    name ;-)

    Seriously though, you should consider taking a deep breath
    and searching out the middle ground. Don't be like those former
    JWs, that Ray Franz describes as "exchanging one form of extremism
    for another."

    There are many fine elders in the WTS at various stages in their
    spiritual jounrney who act as powerful voices of moderation in
    their congregations by protecting the flock from radical, stupid
    elders who wrecklessly impose their whims on the publishers. In my
    case, the "straw that broke the camels back" was when the body of
    elders wanted to know the last time that I had disfellowshipped a young person.

    I have left many good friends and a number of family members behind
    in the WTS. The mind control and their personal circumstances and
    beliefs hold them prisoner. I hope and pray for compassionate guards
    and wardens.

    Better yet, I hope that moderates take control of the governing body
    and truly reform the WTS and open all of the prison gates. That may
    take a very long time to happen, if ever, but one thing is for sure.
    If all of the balanced, loving older men resign - things will get worse for those we love and change will never happen.

    Best regards,


    I think we have to respect the choices that other elders make. In the end, we all accept the natural consequences of our choices. I see nothing to gain by second guessing others in this regard and hope that others don't judge me for way the I handled my situation. I did the best that I could, as I'm sure you did too.
    Boy, LE, do I ever disagree with this.

    This kind of reasoning can only be justified when one's choices affect only him as the chooser. That's not the case with elders. These men stay in the business of judging others---their hearts, their motives, their intentions, no less!--- and affecting the very course of our entire lives but are not to be judged by us? Rubbish!

    Elders who remain such for the WTS, no matter how well-intentioned and decent they perceive themselves to be, are as guilty of perpetuating egregious abuse and inflicting monstrous damage on others--- no matter how thoughtfully they claim to execute such--- as the wicked elder who feels no need absolution for his rotteness. It is unconscionable to justify carrying out atrocities on trusting innocents by claiming to do so in the service of some greater cause. To suggest that they shouldn't be judged by us sadly smacks of the same type "counsel" the Society excels at dispensing to inflict guilt on the multitude for believing their lying eyes.


  • Francois

    I don't see much difference between this question and the conclusions of the Allies at Nuremburg. The plea of certain Nazis that they were following orders and were helpless to do otherwise was rejected, as we know. These people, said the judges, should have recognized their responsibility to a HIGHER LAW than that of the Reich and Adolph Hitler. For them to continue to engage in acts that were clearly INHUMANE was indefensible, said the judges, and those Nazis hung for their lack of descrimination.

    I can certainly find no reason to argue with the position of the judges of Nuremberg.

  • jst2laws


    You said: "These people, said the judges, should have recognized their responsibility to a HIGHER LAW than that of the Reich and Adolph Hitler. For them to continue to engage in acts that were clearly INHUMANE was indefensible, said the judges, and those Nazis hung for their lack of descrimination."

    I agree. But this analogy does not at all apply to many current servants in the WT. What if there are men within who are resisting and quietly refusing to do harm? You may not accept this possibility but there are many doing this. Any rejection of this is a condemnation of not only me but several posters on this thread. There are men posting here who have been fighting the WT and its harm for over a decade as appointed servants in the congregation. My exposure and pressure to resign came directly as a result of refusing to do what would harm others. There are others not yet exposed. Still more who will run out of energy to walk this walk before they are exposed.

    This kind of complaining is not productive nor supportive of these anonymous men in the back round fighting for victims from within. I can appreciate the feelings in this general condemnation of those still inside but this does not conform to reality. Some do not speak up to defend themselves only to protect their anonymity. Why? So they can continue protecting others in whatever small means they can.



    Hi yourself, Amazing. You inquired/commented thusly:

    Have you ever been a JW Elder?

    No, as a matter of fact, I haven’t, lacking the requisite Y chromosome and all. That left me with nothing to do but merely provide 25+ years emotional and administrative support to a very prominent man who has been nearly used up by the WTS. I trust, though, you don’t mean to suggest, as does the WTS, that I can know but jack if not ever having worn the fringed mantle.

    The men who are appointed by the Society are no different than the average JW Publisher. They are appointed because they are adults, active in the organization at levels which meet Watch Tower rules..

    This is no doubt true of many of these men while (back to this later) they are “reaching out,” but certainly not all and maybe not the majority. As regards many of them, my experience (and from who else’s would you expect me to speak?) suggests that the very nature and rules, of which you speak, of this organization that disdains intelligence and education (which certainly qualifies too many of these men!) seduces with the hypnotic allure of power the below-average, insecure, marginally-literate, semi-man who peers in from the fringes of society with virtually no hope of being employed as a leader of any sort in any progressive organization. Only the WTS with so few men and so much work they will only allow men to do will employ these hapless misfits who, once these lay mitts on the coveted prize of P-O-W-E-R, they are anything but the “average JW Publisher.” They have far exceeded their grandest expectations in life and proceed to relish the experience at the expense of those who cannot or will not “meet WT rules.”

    As for those who actually do start out “no different [from] the average JW Publisher” and are decent, well-intentioned men, a considerable percentage of them must relinquish those humble and noble anchors if they are going to avoid losing their “privileges”---which, unfortunately, becomes the goal that supercedes all others for many of these men.

    Your statement: “…JW Elders are simply believers who are caught up in the same system as every other JW” is interesting. It’s one thing to be “caught up” as one of the blinded ignoranti confined to the general admission seats without a clue other than the lofty claims colorfully displayed in the printed Playbill. Quite another thing when your seats get upgraded to reserved orchestra where you’re afforded a closer view of what’s really occurring on stage. No, these ain’t exactly backstage passes, but they ain’t nosebleeds either, are they? You get quite an eyeful ---and elders’ Playbills have a lot more notes in the margins plus direct contact with those who are in direct contact with the playwright.

    Many non-Elder JWs do not believe in the organization, and by your standard, they are all therefore culpable. I think this is far too harsh, and does not allow for gray areas.
    Not what I said. Non-elder JWs have no official power over the lives of others. In what way did I state or imply that they were deputized to inflict the same level of harm on the lives of the flock as those who allow themselves to be appointed and used to judge and, in even their own minds, determine the everlasting fate of their fellows?
    And, you nspeak of atrosities and harm…
    I need to state here that I know that the words “abuse” and “atrocities” are highly-charged terms that automatically conjure the spectre of sexual molestation and hemorrhagic deaths in today’s environment, but when I used the terms in my post, I was speaking of abuses and atrocities of less spectacular, but no less evil and harmful, kinds.
    …as though JWs have a gun to their heads. While serious harm has been done in many cases, it is usually a combination of factors, of which an Elder or Elders may have played a role.
    I know well of your posts, Amazing, so I feel confident it is not your conscious intent to be disingenuous here. That said, I have to wonder that you still suffer some measure of self-delusion about what the real situation is for average JWs and your contribution to that situation in your former role among them as an elder if you can honestly suggest that JWs do not have a gun to their heads. They do. At the orders of HQ---their gun to your head I guess is fair to concede---you and all elders held guns to the heads of publishers. With Jehovah’s name on the bullets.

    What exactly do you think it to be when you swell your chest, muster your full height, mount that platform, take hold of that authoritative podium---which none but an elder or one in training can do---and dictate to us God’s orders as issued from the mouths of the Brooklyn crime bosses? Perhaps you’re claiming a different experience for yourself from the godzillions of elders I’ve known. If so, fine, but ½ or better of the ones I’ve had the misery of knowing---and I mean it when I say my husband is 100% excepted---trampled down whatever proddings of conscience they might have experienced and never flinched in dishing out the spiritual slop exactly from the Society’s cauldrons exactly as they concocted it---no matter how repugnant or outlandish. Men that I knew to be relatively decent stood on platforms with their spiritual shotguns aimed at our heads and hearts. If they disagreed with the swill, not losing their “privileges” superceded their concerns for our spiritual nutrition and health.
    Certainly, the child molestation issue is among these where many Elders are very culpable. I myself threatened and eventually went to the authorities, and this stand led to my being DA'd. So, I have been there and done that.

    At the same time, not all Elders have been part of JC cases involving molestation or other kinds of harm. And most of these are not always aware of any kind of molestation case that other Elders are involved in. I only knew of these because as Secretary I maintained the JC files, and had ocassion to know what was in these files.

    Every single man who’s ever served on a judicial committee---of any kind--- has inflicted harm on others.


    Congratulations to you and those who took a stand in heinous cases involving child molestation. However, every single man who’s ever served on a judicial committee---of any kind--- has inflicted harm on others.

    If you want to plead ignorance of that harm, plead it to Jehovah or whomever you believe in. It’s just my opinion but I strongly suspect there is no man who’s served as a elder for any considerable period of time who doesn’t get to the point of realizing that something very wrong is going on in the organization. Some don’t care, some resign and/or get out, some try to tell themselves they’re performing some greater good for their brothers by staying. Whatever. It’s still terrible harm that one should be ashamed of ever trying to excuse or minimize.

    Yes, the Watch Tower religion is clearly wrong, cult-like, and has caused harm to many. But it is a far cry from even more serious groups. And the average JW, whether a Pioneer, an MS, an Elder, or even a CO or DO are victims of the same mind-control as everyone else in the group. I believe that the statement, 'Victims of Victims and Followers of Followers' is very fitting.
    I agree. Doesn’t deflect culpability or accountability.
    If you were ever a JW, you are just as culpable and guilty as those you ardently condemn. Why? You supported the same system, preached the same message, misled the public at the door, and gave financial suport to religious crooks --- so your judgment comes back on your own head. We are all pups from the same bitch.
    I was a JW. Thank God, at least, never an elder, but I am still both culpable and guilty. And personally responsible.

    But, unlike you, I do not hide this truth from myself or offer excuses and justifications.
    The difference is that when we come to our senses, we make plans to do something about it. The point of my initial post is how we draw the line, and Lee Elder stated one way that many have drawn the line. I believe he presented fair sentiments in general. - Amazing
    And your strenuous defense, if you will, of his sentiments, given his apparent (and seemingly well-earned---I am so extremely grateful for his work as I slowly come to learn of it) stature among ex-JWs, came quite as expected. I have lurked long enough to understand some of the local dynamics. I take no offense, I assure you. But even though I am a fringe presence here, I am grateful that I no longer have a gun to my head that demands I lower my eyes when confronting the glitterati---in the WTS or here or anywhere. I believe I, too, “presented fair sentiments in general” and, for the first time in too many years, my own opinion carries as much weight with me as anyone’s

    I do appreciate, though, both yours and LE’s and others’ divergent opinions on this. I just happen to vehemently disagree.


    Lee, you wrote:

    It's folks like you that give us "Watchtower apostates" a bad name ;-)

    Seriously though, you should consider taking a deep breath and searching out the middle ground. Don't be like those former JWs, that Ray Franz describes as "exchanging one form of extremism for another."

    <sigh> Yes, I know you’re right. I regret my wounds are still raw.
    There are many fine elders in the WTS at various stages in their spiritual jounrney who act as powerful voices of moderation in their congregations by protecting the flock from radical, stupid
    elders who wrecklessly impose their whims on the publishers.
    Yes, that’s what set the jackals after my husband, a man of impeccable integrity and conscience and genuine, humble compassion. I know there must be others like him but I’ve grown very pessimistic in this regard.
    In my case, the "straw that broke the camels back" was when the body of elders wanted to know the last time that I had disfellowshipped a young person. I have left many good friends and a number of family members behind in the WTS. The mind control and their personal circumstances and beliefs hold them prisoner. I hope and pray for compassionate guards and wardens.

    Better yet, I hope that moderates take control of the governing body and truly reform the WTS and open all of the prison gates. That may take a very long time to happen, if ever, but one thing is for sure.
    If all of the balanced, loving older men resign - things will get worse for those we love and change will never happen.

    Amen, my brother. Thanks for your wise words and keep up your good work.


  • BoozeRunner

    WoW.....this is a loaded topic!!!

    IMHO, I think that elders who stay in for their OWN reasons, but are "moderate" in their outlook, should not be judged harshly. For many, it is all they know, and also are looking out for the feelings of family members and such.

    Remember, it took each and every one of us to get to the point of leaving when we were READY. The choice is up to the individual.

    Yes, by staying "in", one must adhere to the orders of the borg, but each must approach leaving on their OWN terms, and at their own pace.

    We were all in at one point, but neither Rome or the WTS was built in a day. It will not fall in a day. There will be no mass exodus. Elders will leave at their own pace, and each must make that decision as it pertains to their particular situation.


  • ElijahTheThird

    The culpability of elders is one thing, what of that of the Anointed? Most have been to afraid to answer the Calling because of the borgs ursuping the seats on the GB and kicking out the rest from the KHalls. The hearvest is much bigger than the first fruits of 144k.

    All the "insight" that the dubs had came from the Anointeds letters. That stoped with insight many decades ago. But arn't the ones with The Calling still culpable for not using the gifts of the Spirit on behalf of all those being harmed at the halls?



    IMHO, I think that elders who stay in for their OWN reasons, but are "moderate" in their outlook, should not be judged harshly. For many, it is all they know, and also are looking out for the feelings of family members and such.

    I just recall how many times I quieted the deafening screams of my own doubts by looking over at who I thought to be "godly" Brother Elder and thinking, "Surely somebody like him wouldn't be here working for this outfit if there were really something wrong."

    I can only imagine how much sooner I might have given in to my own terribly eroded faith had I witnessed even one man I considered to have integrity simply walk away from the madness. I simply don't see how interceding here and there on behalf of the friends by a "good" elder does anything but reinforce the myth and help others justify staying.

    Men who know and still stay may certainly have their defensible reasons, but their very presence perpetuates the deception and overall abuse. They lend credence to the illusion that this must be "the truth."


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