Nin, it would not surprise me if she will be back with a new topic within few days. If you can see her posting history, you can see the pattern.
by Hikaru 67 Replies latest jw friends
I don't thinbk the "peace and security" proclamation will happen till until after the massacre.
Perhaps she is mocking us.......
Hikaru, why are you so scared? Why do you feel compelled to look for anything that might look like anything that may hurt you when you are already just fine in God's Eyes. Those that are His will be His, and nothing will harm them. Be at Peace. We are ALL his. Even the ornery ones who are picking at you here. Go get some sunshine and take a walk in the park, or down the street. By yourself an ice cream cone and let go of the fears that are keeping you tied to the news, the media, the computer....they feed you trash. Go fishing. Go swimming. Go shopping and pay for someone else's purchase at the grocery store if they are short on something wonderful for someone at Peace.
Psychotic Parrot
Yunno, that's the part of the whole fucking thing that i really never understood!
The moment where mankind destroys false religion (a good thing in God's eyes) and declares peace & security (a good thing in God's eyes) and unites the world under one government (a good thing in God's eyes)... is the one moment where God decides to step in & end it all???!!!! I mean why? Because 'man would never succeed'? Well how the hell do we know that if God wouldn't even give man a damn chance?! He gave all the crappy governments of the past chance after chance, as well as chance after chance for an endless continuum of 'false religions'! So why shouldn't a half decent government that wants peace & security & has done away with false religion get a chance? And so what if they go after the j-dubs, it's not like they'd even be neccessary anymore anyway!!!!
I mean come on, if that doesn't make God the most stupid piece of shit ever to grace the natural or supernatural world then i don't know what does!!!!!
psychotic parrot: HAHAHA, i think that was the most interesting thing i read here the whole day. i think the key is that this government want to destroy ALL religion, and remember people, religion is GOOD, so even if it want peace, thats bad.
religion is more important than humans, dammit!
I dont even think this poor baby was born yet in 1986 when they declared it the YEAR OF PEACE AND SECURITY. She is a prime example of cult brain washing and control and I feel bad for her. I think her fears are very real to her. Here you go can keep up with any developments towards accomplishing world peace and security. By the way the Watch Tower Society was ALSO a member of the United Nations...yep..they were indeed part of the BEAST they keep portraying as so evil.
you look very young.
Time will temper your enthusiasm, as well as give you wisdom to look at situations like this with a level head.
I know this girl has made several similar posts. I know that repetition may be irritating. But please don't dis this girl. She sounds really scared. It took many of us several years to get out while putting up with all kinds of fears. I lived in terror almost the whole time I was a jw, and it took me about seven years to get out.
Hi, you must get a hold of yourself. Please seek professional help. You may be young, but it's hard to tell what kind of havoc you're causing on your physical health and psyche if you freak out everytime someone says the phrase, "peace and security". The WB&TS is money making cult disguised as a religion. If you spent more time reading the threads here than on combing Google news, you'd know that. Calm down, get some help and live a happy life.