you know you're from Arkansas if...

by teejay 19 Replies latest social humour

  • Andee

    Teejay?! What? Me? Tell stories?

    There is no way I could have ever come up with the tobacco spitting scene on my own. I just don't have that active of an imagination!

    Reading this thread has also made me think of another story that floats in the southern side of family.

    As legend has it, there was a bill introduced into the Arkansas legislature that would change the pronounciation of Ark-Kan-Saw to
    Ar-Kansas. When my tobacco-chewing Great-granny got wind of it, she grabbed her shotgun, when out to her front porch of her cabin and yelled:

    "Change the name of Ark-Kan-Saw!? HELL NO!" BOOM!

    "Change the name of Ark-Kan-Saw!? HELL NO!" BOOM!

    And this went on until she emptied the shotgun of rounds.

    Well, folks, as you know, they never did change the pronouniation of Arkansas and I don't doubt that the state politians most likely backed down out of fear of my Great-grannies wrath.

    Still proud of her hillbilly ancestry.

  • tyydyy

    In the largest town in the county that I was from, the old men would sit on a bench in front of the diner and whittle. Jasper, Ark. Population 399.
    My neighbors actually got into a feud involving gunshots over a hound dog.
    We had a regular bible study with a family who didn't have electricity so we passed around the kerosene lamp. We also helped them slaughter 2 hogs and put them in the smokehouse.
    Amidst that all that, at 7, I asked my aunt after watching the Beverly Hillbillies: "Wouldn't it be funny if we were HILLBILLIES?"

    I hope it doesn't show now.


  • teejay

    ... there was a bill introduced into the Arkansas legislature that would change the pronunciation of Ark-Kan-Saw to Ar-Kansas.

    When I was in Jr. High, there was a debate about this... I don't know... in the legislature? In the local paper? I can't remember.

    Anyway, folks got in a hellacious uproar. No way in hell folks were going to cotton to being called Ar-Kansans, as if we were some extension of that lesser state up north. Naww, it was Arkan-sawyers. Discussion over.

    I mean... people got HOT. Funny.

  • tyydyy

    I was in service and they were showing a lunar landing on the TV and the old woman says. "Look at that hogwash. That's all fake!" I said: "How do you know" She tilted her head down so she could look over her glasses and pulls me closer with her eyes. "It has to be fake. Everybody knows the Earth is square. It says so right there in the Bible. It says the angels were at the four corners of the Earth."

    I swear, it's true. And there's more.


  • COMF

    Naww, it was Arkan-sawyers.

    I referred to the inhabitants of the town where I endured my high school years as Madisonvillains.


  • tyydyy



  • Dino

    Oh yeah, tyydyy.

    Now you're talkin'.


  • teejay

    Damn fine jpeg you put up there, Tim. Damn fine.

    Go Hogs!!

  • Xena

    When we were visiting Ark and wanted to get some Razorback souvenirs my JW mother in law told us that was considered idol she called us Pig Worshipers...

    hhhhmmmm so what does that make ya'll????

  • teejay

    It's not what it makes US...

    ... it's what it makes your m-i-l.

    Sounds like a typical m-i-l to me. I mean, what does she know? (I'm sure you've asked that yourself a time or two, eh? )

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