My Imagination of what god could be:
First let me say if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it does it make a sound. Answer No because sound is made in the brain the tree falling just made vibrations there is no sound in vibrations.
So the very fact that god is strictly imaginary no mater how you look at it or how real he feels to you it is still all imaginary.
So I imagine this superconsciousness that observes the universe and that everything happening this supperconsciousness it watching unfold in both the past present and future but it doesn't only see or experience the world the way you or your eyes see it but sees it thru every animal, evry plant, every cell and every atom and sub particle every galaxie. of course if that is true there must be total indifference to it all as in he don't feel our pain and react, my image of god i have,, just feels our pain like he feels the pain of a wounded fish in the jaws of a shark about to be devoured this consciousness just sees it without really suffering or anything just observes.
Anyway that's the best that I can come up with whether it is true or not I would say possibly not.