No, God does NOT have the right to make rules for us - and here's why . . . .

by nicolaou 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    My Imagination of what god could be:

    First let me say if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it does it make a sound. Answer No because sound is made in the brain the tree falling just made vibrations there is no sound in vibrations.

    So the very fact that god is strictly imaginary no mater how you look at it or how real he feels to you it is still all imaginary.

    So I imagine this superconsciousness that observes the universe and that everything happening this supperconsciousness it watching unfold in both the past present and future but it doesn't only see or experience the world the way you or your eyes see it but sees it thru every animal, evry plant, every cell and every atom and sub particle every galaxie. of course if that is true there must be total indifference to it all as in he don't feel our pain and react, my image of god i have,, just feels our pain like he feels the pain of a wounded fish in the jaws of a shark about to be devoured this consciousness just sees it without really suffering or anything just observes.

    Anyway that's the best that I can come up with whether it is true or not I would say possibly not.

  • Yizuman
    A. "Give me all your money, or I will shoot you in the head."
    B. "Obey me / have faith in me, or I will send you to hell / eternally destroy you."
    Is there a fundamental difference between statement A and statement B? If so please explain it to me cuz i sure don't see it.

    Might as well go visit your parents and bitch slap them for enforcing RULES on you.


  • bluecanary

    frankiespeakin, you may be interested in this article on atheistic deism. It hinges on the philosophical concept of idealism. Are you familiar with it?

    Might as well go visit your parents and bitch slap them for enforcing RULES on you.

    Yizuman, my impression is that this argument is not about parents having or not having the right to make rules, but indicating that there comes a point when they no longer have the right to make rules. At some point, human beings are dubbed mature enought to make decisions without parental input. The parents may still exert some social influence, but do not have power of authority. Is there any point at which humans similarly become liberated from the authority of God?

  • Yizuman

    How about Judges? Break a law and they throw the book at you. What do you expect them to do? Turn the other cheek?


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Yizuman, my impression is that this argument is not about parents having or not having the right to make rules, but indicating that there comes a point when they no longer have the right to make rules.

    The point is when you are no longer living in their house. Even when you reach adult age, there may still be rules that parents will try to enforce if you want to continue living under their roof. The rules may become less stringent, but they still exist.

    Therein lies the problem with making such a comparison. We don't ever stop living in God's home. If you accept that God exists, than you must also accept that the earth is his, he just merely allows us to occupy it.

  • Satanus

    The god/landlord allusion does hold some water. However, perhaps the god/landlord should put in an appearance once in a while, say once per century. A permanent installation would be even better. In view of the above, and seeing that even his very existence has been called into question he can be, at best, considered an an ABSENTEE landlord. Until such a time as he does supply some sign of his existence, all arguements remain just that, hypothetical arguements. We must proceed w what we have, rules and laws which all have a purely human origin.


  • PrimateDave

    It has been so hot and dry where I live lately. I discovered ants living in my truck, apparently using the water I put in my windshield washer container in the engine compartment. I decided to empty out the water and let it dry out completely to see if the ants will go away. What do you suppose "god" will do once he discovers humans infesting his pretty blue marble in space?

    I'm intrigued at all the assumptions being made about the mind of god. Humans are territorial animals, so they assume that god is territorial. Many human cultures value private property, so they assume god owns everything. Humans are social animals that rely on complex social rules that vary from one culture to the next, so they assume that god imposes social rules on humans (which, of course, vary according to culture and religion). Humans have parents, so they assume that god is the original parent. Most humans live under a hierarchical dominator system, so they assume that god is the ultimate dominator of everything. And so on and so forth, etc., etc...

    Humans make god in their own image. Tell me about your god, and I'll know what kind of person you are.


  • bluecanary
    Therein lies the problem with making such a comparison. We don't ever stop living in God's home. If you accept that God exists, than you must also accept that the earth is his, he just merely allows us to occupy it.

    I don't think the tenant analogy is entirely accurate. When I become a tenant, I am given a contract to which I must agree or live someplace else. We have no choice to live elsewhere than the earth (or the created universe). It may be a gilded cage, but it is our cage.

    Just want to say up front that I'm not committed to any line of reasoning here. I find the argument interesting so I'm willing to play devil's advocate.

  • truthseeker

    By God, we move and breathe and exist.

    He has the right to make rules, just as you have the right to disobey them with all the consequences that go along with it.

    I do not profess to understand everything that God does or says.

    It does NOT belong to man even to direct his step. Look on the news and tell me that man is doing a GREAT job, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, greed, recession/depression.

  • leavingwt
    It does NOT belong to man even to direct his step. Look on the news and tell me that man is doing a GREAT job, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, greed, recession/depression.

    Please let me know when God takes over. Obama might need a little help.

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