No, God does NOT have the right to make rules for us - and here's why . . . .

by nicolaou 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento


    It was a sarcassatic post, in jest, thatis why, right after that in the SAME post I went on about how we (Parents) make rules and can force them ( to an extent).

    Sorry if I was not clear enough for you.

    As for the "idiocy" remark:

    Dude, seriously?

  • nicolaou

    PSacramento: I took your comments in a similar vein to sir82 who posted immediately after you. Sorry if I missed your intended sarcasm. Could you clear something up for me? What did you mean with your final comment;

    Just like God.
  • PSacramento


    I beleive that God an Jesus want us to do the "right thing" in our lives and eventually come to them, not out of fear, not out of concern about the "lats days", not for recompense in a "new world", but out of Love for them.

  • nicolaou

    And if we don't?

  • PSacramento

    If we don't?

    We don't, if we decide to do what is wrong, then we have no one to blame but ourselves right?

    If we do what is right, but with ulterior motives, well I don't think they will be fooled.

    As for consequences, I don't know.

  • restrangled

    I loved Primative Dave's, and Blues Brothers' posts.

    Leaving religion out of it.

    There are laws in the Universe that cannot be changed. There are laws in society which we have to it or not. You blow through a red light....a good chance you'll be creamed in an accident. Of course you have the free will to go through that light....just be prepared to get broadsided, hurt, and sued for your stupidity. Does that mean you don't have free will because there are going to be consequences?

    Taking the example posted previously of a landlord. That person has bought and owns the property making it habitable for you. You rent it, but are given rules. No smoking, no animals, among other things. You break the rules, eventually you are kicked out..... you have the free will to piss off the landlord, but you will eventually be evicted.

    Think of your own pissing and pooping in the house they share with you. If they don't learn, you either get rid of them, put them outside, or horror of horrors live with the poop. Which would you prefer as an owner?

    I believe we were created and given the earth as our home free of charge....we just have some basic rules to follow. Is god allowed to make those rules...ofcourse.

    He has given us the option to follow them or not. If we don't, we get pollution, global warming, declining species, Greed, hatred, and domination by our own kind.

    In otherwords: horror of horrors, do you want to live with the poop in your house or not?


  • Narkissos

    One logical conclusion that might be drawn from the Christian notion of "Fall" or "original sin" (which is most likely not the point of the Genesis Eden story btw) is that nothing historical, cultural, political, etc. is actually "God"'s work -- or business. "God" created the infrastructure of nature and then "fallen man" builds the superstructure of culture -- including legal and moral "rules". In a sense, Christianity can be seen as the historical link between the ancient world (where the gods are responsible of and interact with everything, "natural" and "cultural") and the "modern" world in which "God" plays no part and has no "right". In between, the main business of the Christian God is not making rules for the world but saving the believers from the world...

  • frankiespeakin

    In our discussion where does the idea it even being able for god to have a rights or even dominate with his will come from?(religion that wants to dominate)

    And can we appeal to something higher than god to some suppose ultimate judge out there declaring right and wrong and even over ruling god if he over steps his imaginary bounds. And so then we come to a higher judge of the ultimate judge judging him it is almost like the "who created god who created everything" question evolutionist ask creationist.

    But mostly a human concept that still favors some supreme being out there,, that has the same emotions and thoughts that we do, . We by way of transference automatically give it feelings such as ours. It all stems from our creating a god in a image we can understand an image just as frail, jealous and as full of hurt feels as our own human psychosis's.

  • Robdar


    I freaking loved your post.

  • loosie
    It definitely works better than my giant invisible rabbit in the heavens. Frankly that would be freaky!

    Hey rabbits are awesome!!

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