I loved Primative Dave's, and Blues Brothers' posts.
Leaving religion out of it.
There are laws in the Universe that cannot be changed. There are laws in society which we have to follow....like it or not. You blow through a red light....a good chance you'll be creamed in an accident. Of course you have the free will to go through that light....just be prepared to get broadsided, hurt, and sued for your stupidity. Does that mean you don't have free will because there are going to be consequences?
Taking the example posted previously of a landlord. That person has bought and owns the property making it habitable for you. You rent it, but are given rules. No smoking, no animals, among other things. You break the rules, eventually you are kicked out..... you have the free will to piss off the landlord, but you will eventually be evicted.
Think of your own pets.....no pissing and pooping in the house they share with you. If they don't learn, you either get rid of them, put them outside, or horror of horrors live with the poop. Which would you prefer as an owner?
I believe we were created and given the earth as our home free of charge....we just have some basic rules to follow. Is god allowed to make those rules...ofcourse.
He has given us the option to follow them or not. If we don't, we get pollution, global warming, declining species, Greed, hatred, and domination by our own kind.
In otherwords: horror of horrors, do you want to live with the poop in your house or not?