Every day, in every way, is getting better and better.
Since leaving the witnesses....
by LouBelle 22 Replies latest jw friends
It is just so hard to leave the brain washing that we have went through.
Yes it is hard to wipe away the "rules" from our captive minds we held
but it CAN be done...Dont give the WT the power. When a JW thought
pops up in your mind SQUASH it at once.
I was kicked out in 1987 two years after my hubby died ,I wanted SO
much to kill myself.Now when I think back I laugh!!!! to think a bunch
of old men in their 70's 80's 90's, can MAKE us obey.LOL
I am that age now( 82) & if anyone followed me,if there was a ditch here
they would be in it for sure. Intead of the AWAKE we should deliver to them
"WAKEUP" mag's. -
Pandoras cat11
You sound so happy!!! That is good to hear. Very encouraging to me.
knows better
Every day, in every way, is getting better and better.
mr. lennon was right....
Thanks again mouthy. Leaving is hard as you know but I have so much more peace now. That is the best part of it.
Some of my best days are when I finally realize that the thought of my past life hasn't been on my mind for days and days and that I am farther away than I was yesterday............ that its all a vague fog and some huge mistake that wasn't meant to happen.... I know get over it! Ha!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
LouBelle, LouBelle, LouBelle,
Don't you realize that you are only superficially happy now? Sure, you act happy, do fun things, have lasting friendships, smile, laugh, but deep down only "God's People", who are unhappy in a "worldly way", are genuinely joyful! Yes, genuine Godly joy comes from such things as wasting hours every month trying to recruit new cult members, sitting through same ol' same ol' "Bible" lectures, and shunning people that you are told by the leadership to shun. Yep, good times. And the joyfullest happiness of all comes from being persecuted for your faith. Ahh, nothing like a good beating to improve moral.
So stop suppressing all that unhappiness and guilt, let it all bubble up and consume you. Only then, when you are miserable in a Godly way can you enjoy true joy in sorrowful Godly happiness. And you can look forward to enjoying eternal unhappy happiness forever!... or until you think a wrong thought, are labelled "rebel", and are killed by God or his chosen elders... otherwise, forever!
In case you couldn't tell, I'm being sarcastic.
B the X
I quit!
Witnesses think that if someone leaves the Watchtower it must be to fornicate and take drugs or something worse because that is what they are taught happens to those who leave. The fact is most of us leave to get away from the Watchtower mind prison. I can still remember the elation I felt when I first removed the shackles and was able to resume a normal life.
It's like a person who is being fed arsenic by a loved one.
The more the loved one feeds you the sicker you get.
If the loved one gets caught feeding you poison and is
no longer able to have acces to your food you start eating uncontaminated meals.
Then, you gradually sbegin to recover and shake off the effects of the arsenic.
The same thing is true regarding the LIE.
Once you get away from it and all it entails...
Field Service
Watchtower Study
Theocrapit Misery School
ServeUs Meeting, etc.
You stop eating food contaminated with rat poison and
immediately begin to recover.
Leaving the satanic JW cult is the best thing that
can happen to a person.
wha happened?
I still have some anger issues, but they are few and far between. Wife is adapting slowly.