I Talked to My Mom Today...

by jamiebowers 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    during a discussion about informing everyone about my uncle's sudden passing. I said to her, "Being that Joe died so suddenly and is younger than you, are you sure you want to keep shunning me?"

    Her answer was, of course, to "come back to Jehovah". I told her that that would never happen. Sigh...

  • C. T. Russell
    C. T. Russell

    I'm sorry Jamie.

  • Scully

    "come back to Jehovah" = conditional love

    What if we said "I never left god, the organization did. Are you sure you want to be on the wrong side in the end?" ("end" meaning either death or armageddon, whichever comes first).

    I feel sorry for her, both of you really, Jamie. She's chosen to give up contact with you out of a misplaced loyalty to a publishing company. It's tragic, really.

  • dinah

    sorry to hear that, Jamie. My Mom has been stepping up her efforts to get me back to the meetings (after 23 years, I don't see it happening). At least she still speaks to me, but I wish she'd lay off the preachy crap.

  • twinkletoes


    I'm sorry for you - it's very hurtful.

    What amazes me is that the JWs believe that they have the monopoly on Jehovah and that no-one else every calls God by that name. When I left the cult, I was amazed at how many religions use the name Jehovah.


  • WuzLovesDubs

    You might like to ask her how she can be so SURE you "left Jehovah" when the JWs ALWAYS tell outsiders that "they cant read Jehovahs heart and dont know who will be saved" when asked who will live through armageddon and be in the paradise.

    The bible says NOT to follow men NOT to revere men NOT to worship men...and yet there they are, following a group of men who claim to be inspired of God.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I feel sorry for your Mom. She just doesn't get it. She's a slave to a man-made organization. It is tragic.

  • Heaven

    I am very sorry your Mom is treating you this way, Jamie. This whole group of people have completely missed the boat on the teachings of Jesus. This is why I call them 'Jehovans'. I sure hope she can one day change that.

  • jwfacts

    That is sad, and very similar to conversations i have with my parents.

    Whenever they say "come back to Jehovah" I always correct them and say "I think you mean come back to the Watchtower Society; don't confuse believe in the creator with following an organization".

  • jamiebowers

    Thanks you guys. This is one of the few times in the last 21 years that she's spoken to me, so I didn't want her to shut down completely with a lot of talk about the borg.

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