I recently ordered a copy of Studies in the Scriptures all 6 volumes that Russell produced in one big book. It is pretty cool. I think it is interesting that JWs have started to realize how messed up Rutherford was and rejecting things he came up with (Superior Authorities, Bodies of elders, Generation) I hope more of Rurtherford's nonsense gets changed.
Saw an ad on TV for the Bible Students last night...
by drew sagan 12 Replies latest jw friends
Care to elaborate?
The DAWN was formed in 1932, it was originally a radio program between 1928 and 1931, then reformed as Dawn Publishers, Inc. in 19312 and in the 1940s moved to New Jersey under its current name Dawn Bible Students Association.
In the 1930s they were successfull in regathering the Bible Students, at least most of them. They grew, and while they promoted themselves as a "non-channel" organization (a reference to the Society claiming to be God's Channel) they eventually began believing their own hype, as they grew and prosper. They became to the Associated Bible Students what the Society became to the Jehovah's Witnesses. Norman Woodworth, the Dawn'ws founder was looked upon as the leader of the Bible Students. They were the largest publisher of Bible Students literature and so if you wanted something, you had to order it from them, or publish your own. They instituted the pilgrim visits (travelling overseers). When they began rejecting Russell's doctrines, they attempted to get the congregations to put away Russell volumes and study the DAWN and it's publications.
Soon enough with all the changes, as I mentioned above, classes began to split or divorce themselves from the DAWN to function independently. Dawn representatives began pulling a Judge Rutherford, and marking the so-called trouble markers. It got ugly.
Even I fell victim to the DAWN about 5 years ago. They treated me worse than the Watchtower Society. They still do, but what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger, and I'm still a thorn in their side.
I guess you can say I'm the Ray Franz of the DAWN Movement. LOL
I recently ordered a copy of Studies in the Scriptures all 6 volumes that Russell produced in one big book.
Yes, that is a large volume that contains all six volumes, plus Tabernacle Shadows. It's printed by the Fort Worth Bible Students.