Our 1st Tree

by Mulan 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Well, I did it. I bought a tiny Christmas tree today. It's of Rosemary, and smells heavenly. I bought some small ornaments, and put them on it, and when my husband came home today, I surprised him with it. We took pictures. He was happy too.

    I also bought a wreath for the door, and lights for it, and lights to go around our deck, and more lights for the fireplace. Thanks to all of you, I have Christmas cards, going all across the walls in our living room, and then more too. I am SO into Christmas this year. We only bought gifts for our grandkids, and don't expect gifts ourselves, but it is still so great!

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Perry


    I put my first one up today too...its beautiful. Enjoy


  • outnfree


    That's so cool! Yours was the first card I got this year -- from ANYBODY -- and it was, is, so appreciated.

    Enjoy the season, and happy holiday wishes to your hubby, kids and grandkids!


    When the truth is found to be lies
    and all the joy within you dies ...
    -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love

  • Esmeralda


    I'm so happy for you. Tears in my eyes here. I can just picture you with it.

    I know I owe you e mail, I'm beat tonight. Tomorrow if I can. Soon, I promise.

    Love you *hug*


    ps what the hell is up with my avatar? It's like ten feet tall or something LOL. Gonna have to fix that...

  • Kristen

    Cool, Mulan. Guess you have a place for that ornament of yours now, eh? The first tree and decorations has to be a very liberating experience-there is so much "other" symbolism behind it too.

    Well, I was a rebel today. We got a beautiful Christmas card from one of the local businesses in the mail today and I stuck it on the fridge! Ha!

    rebel without a clue

  • Princess

    Oooooh! Can't wait to see it mom, this is so exciting!


  • DannyBear

    Oh my....

    There you go...next year it will be a live 4' which you will transfer to a pot on your deck.

    Then in two year's you will decide that you liked the smell of that pine wreath so much, a cut tree will be required. I searched for many year's trying to find the ideal 'tree stand'...it did not exsist until about a year ago. Sooner or later you will be measuring the hieght of your cieling, uhmmm lets see I think a 8'footer will fit just fine! More lights, more extension cords.

    Then you buy a new storage shed.

    Xmass to Xmass's laughing all the way, ho ho ho

  • larc


    Ain't it grand?

    I remember my first tree. We had it all lit up and the sterio was blasting out Christmas music that filled the whole house, when two brothers came to the door. You see, I hadn't been to meetings for awhile. Well, they didn't sent the registered letter until spring and by that time I was moving out of town to take a job in another city. They never did go after me. That first Christmas was a treat and it has been a treat ever since.

  • Tina

    (((((mulan and clan))))))))))))
    It is great isn't it? Thanks for the lovely card,sorry about the fruitcake joke "> Same here,I have to start stringin the card from the ceilng!! Thank you so much everyone!! luv ya,T

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • Mrs Rocky
    Mrs Rocky

    Rosemary is wonderful - had one last year, shaped like a Christmas Tree. Kept it in the kitchen without decoration tho. Our oldest wanted a tree soooooo bad, but we're still subject to occasional visits from JW relatives. Our oldest is still 'pining' for a tree, a big one, but think she'll have to wait another year. A friend from work gave her socks for Christmas - red with "Oh Christmas Tree" and little green decorated trees. Maybe next year? don't know how long we can keep under the WT radar with so much family still quite devout. Daughter says "go for the gusto, tree fully decked, lights on the house...REBEL!!! you can do it Mom..." You just don't know the torment. argh! Mrs R

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