I would have found a discussion on maturity interesting, were I still a dub..I recall the WT once saying that what they call spiritual maturity cannot be unlearned, just like physical maturity . Where does that leave us?
p] 4 It is once again "near" . How long is near? an awful long time, it seems. I am told by family that I should consider from Gods viewpoint to whom a "day is as a thousand years" , but hey! I am human and 130 years for an end - time message, spanning across three centuries, is an awful long time to me...
5] "Mature people" are not content to partake only of "milk" They take in "solid food." Therefore, they know both "the elementary things" and "the deep things" of the truth. (1 Cor. 2:10) Moreover, their perceptive powers are trained through use--through application of what they know--helping them to distinguish right from wrong. When they are faced with a decision, this training enables them to discern what Scriptural principles are involved and how to apply them."
Hmm...So I can once again consider "the length breadth, height and depth" of Gods word, can I ? without fear of censure for actually thinking, or being challenged "When has The Society used this scripture that way?"and I can make my decisions based on what The Scriptures say rather than what is in the "Bible Teach" paperback??
13] "God's counsel regarding morals, honesty, proper use of the tongue, personal reading and study of the Scriptures, attendance at Christian meetings, and participation in the preaching work is clear. (Josh. 1:8; Matt. 28: 19, 20; Eph. 4:25, 28, 29; 5:3-5; Heb. 10:24, 25) Are we obedient to Jehovah in these matters even under adversity? Our obedience is an indication that we have progressed toward maturity."
Is attending Kingdom Hall meetings a requirement of Scripture, or the "Kingdom Ministry" sheet? Obedience to Jehovah? or "The Society"
18 ] Will we prove to be obedient to whatever future urgent direction we may receive from "the faithful steward"? "
Suppose my maturity gained from Bible reading leads me to conclude that the "Slave" is out of harmony with God? Whom should I follow?
My points above show the dilemma I had some years ago. I stopped Bible study and serious consideration of it all. I knew it was leading me into blind alleys and questions that the WT did not answer . I was just getting frustrated , but I knew it was "The Truth" , right...of course it was ! So I stopped thinking and just got on with the next assignment, until of course a tipping point was reached.
The above article is at odds really with the dumbing down of the message in recent years. If they get too inquisitive, who knows where that might lead them?