First Post Musings

by Perry 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    Ummmm, I was 23. That was in 1986

  • SixofNine

    no, no. I meant when did you make the truth your own.

  • Perry

    If you mean when I invented my own truth....that hasn't happened. If you mean when I started my own search for truth, that was in 1995.

  • SixofNine

    If you've left the org, you have undoubtedly found some truth, at least about JW's. I guess I'm asking when it was that that particular bit of truth set you free from the "truth" (the word so used and abused by the org)? Did you begin your fade in 1995? If so, was it a concious descision?

    btw, we don't invent truth, we find it. That is, if we search for it as if for a pearl of great value....*arrghhh!* somebody slap me!

  • Perry

    Yes, it was conscious. I literally couldn't wait to get into college and learn some new things. I saw the utter failure of the WTBS world view and was intellectually supercharged to get a new one. Unfortunately my alma mater was extremely liberal and slowed the process a bit. Maybe that was a good thing though who knows? What about you?

    What was your catalyst and time frame?


  • SixofNine

    I guess the short answer is that after several years of slowly having my eyes beaten open by the lack of real love, the hypocrisy, the not-quite-right-but-wait-on-Jehovah-cuz-I-would have-buck-the-system-to-do-anything-about-it attitude of, of, ....well, pretty much everyone in the organization, but worst of all the elders, trying to be a good witness and wear a beard ('cause dammit, there is no reason not to, and all our old excuses are pathetic...*guess I saw bucking a flawed system as a good thing*), I got on the net.

    But I was actually pretty careful on the net. I went to H20 once, but carefully didn't read much, lol. I ended up on a Witness db, were between the aforementioned disalusion, and my liberal bent, I was finally persuaded to read an essay on the blood issue.

    I'd say within a week I knew I couldn't be part of it anymore. That was about 1 year and 4 months ago. I've been to one meeting since. But I didn't inhale.

  • SixofNine
    Unfortunately my alma mater was extremely liberal and slowed the process a bit

    I don't understand? (UTA?)

  • outnfree


    Realized after I hit "reply to topic" on Mulan's thread that I hadn't welcomed the newbie.

    So I looked for your thread and was very impressed with what I have now learned about you!

    We are very happy to have you post. I know I lurked until I was officially DA'd. And since then I've been posting almost daily. So much to read here!

    I feel fortunate to have found this board, as you are correct in how difficult it is for non-ex-JWs to relate.

    Welcome, Perry! and Merry Christmas!


    When the truth is found to be lies
    and all the joy within you dies ...
    -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love

  • Perry

    Thank you OutnFree ! Good luck.

    Six.....SouthWest Texas State University

  • RedhorseWoman

    Welcome, Perry, and thank you for the very insightful post.

    Watch out for Six.....he's chronically witty.

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