Zen living part 6 (summarized): When Bad Things Happen

by JimmyPage 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga
    Jimmy said: When I first started reading about Zen living it seemed pretty naive to me as well. But I've come to find that it really has become a great source of inner peace to me.

    As I am sure you now understand, Dear JimmyPage, it is not naive at all, nor is it particularly easy.

    It takes practice to shush the ego... it has fought long and hard to exist. Shushing the ego (quieting the mind) brings a lovely peace that is very difficult (if not impossible) to describe to those who have not experienced it.

  • Robdar

    Shushing the ego (quieting the mind) brings a lovely peace that is very difficult (if not impossible) to describe to those who have not experienced it.

    I've discovered the same thing. I've also discovered the same peace after praying as a JW. Same place, different path.

  • BabaYaga
    Robdar said: I've discovered the same thing. I've also discovered the same peace after praying as a JW. Same place, different path.

    Agreed with that in part, Dear Robdar. There are many different paths and names for this. I just call it meditation myself, although it does have many things in common with Zen Buddhism (and aspects of Hinduism and Gnosticism and...)

    But I must disagree with you about the same peace coming from praying as a JW. I never, ever felt that while I was a faithful Witness. Ever. That prayer is coming from a different mindset and perception completely. Praying as a Jehovah's Witness came from fear and feeling righteous... those things have no place (and indeed, no hold) when one goes beyond the ego.


  • bluecanary

    Robdar said: I've discovered the same thing. I've also discovered the same peace after praying as a JW. Same place, different path.

    I've found this to be true in regards to holy spirit. I would pray for holy spirit and settle in to study and feel like I had increased concentration. Then you quit the JWs and learn that what you thought was coming from God was really coming from inside yourself.

  • Robdar

    I've found this to be true in regards to holy spirit. I would pray for holy spirit and settle in to study and feel like I had increased concentration. Then you quit the JWs and learn that what you thought was coming from God was really coming from inside yourself.

    Your statement is and has been my truth. The kingdom of God is within.

    Thank you for posting.

  • BabaYaga
    BlueCanary said: Then you quit the JWs and learn that what you thought was coming from God was really coming from inside yourself.


    I do not oft quote scripture, but "the kingdom of god is within you" is a beautiful one. It is in Luke, but I prefer this one, from one of the "lost scrolls" of the Nag Hammadi, the gospel of Thomas:

    Jesus said,
    "If your leaders say to you,
    'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,'
    then the birds of the sky will precede you.
    If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,'
    then the fish will precede you.
    Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you
    and it is outside you.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    There are different ways to achieve that feeling of inner peace. Letting go of all expectations and the need for control is relevant in each case.

    I took something called biofeedback years ago. They would wire you up to a machine and have you imagine a peaceful place. You can actually lower your heart rate, blood pressure and even your body temperature. Very relaxing feeling. Eventually, you learn to do this anywhere.

    The key was to quiet the mind. Meditation is a learned art. I agree that the divine is within each of us.

  • Narkissos

    Knowing the story to be a story.

    He who thinks he's past the story doesn't know the story he's in.

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