Typically, a serial molester does'nt have access to a billion dollars.
Jackson never molested his kids or the kid from "Home alone" and "Webster" so not a pedophile!
by Witness 007 42 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I agree with Snowbird, I do not think he sexually violated any child, but I do think he was a few cards short of a deck. Most child molesters are proud of what they've done and do not seem put off from discussing it with those who will listen, which is usally others who share that sickness. He was just not developed mentally and seemed not to understand why people were appalled at his sleepovers. I do not think that the Santa Barbara or LA county officials would have allowed him to keep his own kids if they were sincerley convinced that he was sexually abusing others.
In regards to his being ashamed of being black, I was at a 4th of July party at the house of the VP of our company. There was a man there, I think his name is Mark Slaugus (?) and he drove limos and other cars for Michael from 1987 to 1995, leaving during his marriage to Lisa Marie Presley.
He said that in 1988 when he purchased and moved into Neverland, he would often comment how he both appreciated what his dad had done in regards to his becoming an entertainer, but on the other side he hated him more than anyone who walked the earth. He said Michael believed that when he looked in the mirror, he saw the spitting image of his dad and he believes the surgeries were a way to make himself look as if he was devoid of any DNA from Joseph Jackson.
He thinks it was the same reason he used another mans sperm to create his offspring, so that his prodigy would have none of Josephs attributes whatsoever. Michael was an extremely talented person in regards to music and dance, but an emotionally stunted person in social situations.
I have it from a reliable source that Jackson was demonized after Thriller! Or, so a wanna-be JW apologist tells me.
Black Sheep
I don't believe he was ashamed of being black and I am not aware of any evidence that he was.
He had a skin condition and dealt with it on the advice of his dermatologist, Arnie Klein. I have no reason to believe that Arnie would lie about it.
Donny, your story has so much "ring of truth" to it.
I cannot say it is right, because I used to think WTS stories had "ring of truth to them." It is speculation (Jackson, not the WTS stories).
Still, it covers many bases and makes a complete weirdo look a little less bizarre and a great deal sadder.Thanks for relaying that.
I have no proof, but I do not think MJ was a molester. He was extremely eccentric, surely. I think he loved children, but not in that bad way. It is a sad state of affairs when it becomes so easy to think someone is guilty of something bad.
Black Sheep
I remember that around that time there was a paranoia about pedophilia in NZ.
Teachers were being advised to walk around with their hands in their pockets and never to touch a distraught child. Fathers were feeling guilty about washing their children or getting into a bath with them. The do-gooders were damaging normal relationships, and the media was giving them exposure because it makes sensational headlines.
We humans can be a very silly species at times.
If his insurance paid on a claim made against him, that doesn't mean HE agreed to a settlement, it means his ins. did. He was acquitted and now he is dead. One accuser stated that he(the accuser and his family) lied about him being molested.
Freakish and damaged-yes. A molester? Not gonna lay that on him after he was acquitted.
Yep. OJ was aquitted too! He must be innocent....
Yeah he just got them drunk and jacked off with them. That part of the story is UNCONTESTED and guess what that is ABUSE. He got off because he was rich as hell that is the only reason.