Undercover---go ahead say it!!!!
Funeral program from Michael Jacksons memorial/message from Rebbie
by Pandoras cat11 21 Replies latest jw friends
Okay, just wait a damn minute! When I was df'd, I was told that I would die an everlasting death before or at Armageddon. It's been clearly documented that MJ da'd himself, so why does he get to be in paradise, and I don't? (insert whine here).
I just had this conversation with my mom the other night. She was talking about those that die pay for their sins and will be resurrected. I told her according to the JW's, I'd be better off to die now so that if they are right, I will be resurrected in the paradise. She said "now wait, you won't because you're df'd!" My reply was, you just said that those that die pay for their sins so they will be resurrected, so If I did, whatever my sin is, should be wiped clean. Then she said "Well only Jah can say for sure and see what's in your heart".
If a murderer, Child Molester, evil person dies and can have the resurrection hope, the why wouldn't a df or da'd person???
I wouldn't worry about it too much, jamie and babygirl...
If Michael Jackson is resurrected it will be a pedophile's paradise... I think I'll pass on that one.
I'm not worred about....I just don't understand the double standards that anyone that dies can be resurrected, UNLESS you are da'd or df'd. (or you are MJ)
Michael Jackson's Pedophile Paradise:
Pandoras cat11
betterdaze--that picture is creepy!! How did you get MJ to look cartoony? Photoshop?
I quit!
I'll give Rebbie a pass on her comments. After all she was raised a JW so she probably has a lot of conflicting beliefs and he was her brother. It is sad if she did let her loyalty to the Watchtower to stand between them while he was alive. I hope that wasn't the case.
I quit!
Sue, I think the new earth would cure pedophilia. After all everyone on the new earth would all wind up the same age at some point then what do you do if you are a pedophile? Maybe it become eternity in hell for some when that happens.
I can't worry about what is going to happen in the New Order. I think we all hope that Jehovah will look at our situation on why we left the organization and be merciful. We all are waiting to see what happens. But I felt the same way. Why would a child molester, rapist, or murderer get resurrected. But I guess all that falls under sicknesses that will be wiped away. It's not fair that these people can get away with such disgusting things. But we are not Jehovah and we will have to wait and see.