Watchtower says "Field Service Report NOT a Major Concern!"

by UnDisfellowshipped 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Well maybe they oughta have some new light coming down from the jehovah pike line, "NO MORE REPORTING FIELD SERVIVE TIME" and then blame it all on the R&F because they became to focused on turning in a good report as men pleasers, and so they decided to discontinue it.

    Hey you never know they may eventually hit their own self destruct button,,I'm just saying,,

  • leavingwt

    "Some brothers thought it was a requirement to turn in a time slip. This was not the case. They took it upon themselves to turn a suggestion into a hard and fast rule. This type of attitude resembles the attitude of the Pharisees of Jesus' day."

    Works every time.

  • allelsefails

    I like the quote "not necessary for everlating life". But it is absolutely necessary to how you are viewed in the Cong. AS an elder I recommended a brother be appointed a MS. He was one of the most loving, kind, level headed people I knew. He cared for older ones and young ones, but I was overruled because he didn't report enough time. Nothing even reminded of Christ in that discussion.


    Farkel..You Nailed it..Welcome Home Bud!..


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's funny how the words of Jesus in his day, particularly against the religious leaders seem to fit appropriattely against the WT today.

    Mercy? Kindness? compassion? Not in the flock book

  • bobld

    Is this not a" born again" way of life.Now the older ones will not feel guilty.


  • passwordprotected

    To my mind, this is another example of a certain 'element' present in the Writing Dept.

  • middleman

    Wow good eye!

  • carla

    What would the average jw say about the article?

    The quote below could be taken either way couldn't it? It could be taken at face value but it could also be taken as 'you never know if you have done enough so to be on the safe side do more'.

    Paragraph 14): "While our field service report plays its part, helping us to maintain our zeal in preaching and to avoid slacking off, we must keep it in proper perspective. It is not to be viewed as a spiritual license or passport, determining our eligibility for everlasting life."

  • blondie

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