My memory of Jean Nate': 1969, moon landing, first visit to NY, first kiss.
by snowbird 62 Replies latest jw friends
My memory of Jean Nate': 1969, moon landing, first visit to NY, first kiss.
Does anyone remember Lemon-up shampoo?
Snowbird, I remember most of the products you mentioned from the SOOOOUL TRAIN....
Watched every Saturday afternoon!
Hehe what a blast from the past!
Ok, what's with all the witness moms selling Avon?? Mine did too!
How about Love's Baby Soft? So wrong.
I don't remember Lemon-Up shampoo, Restrangled.
Ah yes, The Soooouuuuuullllllll Train.
Bek, I remember that little innocent-looking girl.
My late mama remembered this:
This was a 1940's ad that specifically targeted the "Negro" community.
The young boy in the foreground is Ron Brown who grew up to become Secretary of Commerce under Bill Clinton.
All I remember off the top of my head is Wella Balsam shampoo (spelling?), Love's Baby Soft (foul, baby powder odor, very popular), and root beer flavored lip gloss.
Oh, and those lip glosses that came in glass containers with a roll-on ball. The gloss was supposedly made of crushed beetles. We used to empty them out and put brandy in them for school.
Oh, heh, what about SunIn? The stuff that turned hair orange.
root beer flavored lip gloss
Pepsi is neither a cosmetic nor a toiletry.
Hijacking my own thread!
mmmm.....memories! I used to put the root beer on really thick to try to make it look like lipstick.