Yes, they both do, but their only councel will come from the elders who re-enforce the mind-numbing principals of the WT. They do need outside help, but they won't even go that way.
I Just Told My Two JW Sisters Off
by CrimsonBleu 42 Replies latest jw friends
Forgiving them doesn't mean you have to have toxic people in your life.
You can forgive them (it's a gift you give to yourself) and still not associate with them.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Welcome CrimsonBleu!
"What would Jesus have done? Your thoughts please."
Jesus said this: (Matthew 12:34) 34 "Offspring of vipers, how can YOU speak good things, when YOU are wicked? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."
First they need to repent and turn around from their toxic, self-righteous, judgmental ways. Otherwise, you will only continue to enable their madness, to your own disappointment.
B the X
CRIMSONBLEU- Welcome to the board friend ! Many of us here have gone through the insane treatment by JW relatives as well. I have 2 JW adult daughters who shun me as well. Hang in there. You have come to the right place to get encouragement and great ideas of coping with your situation. Keep your chin up- and I look forward to your posts. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Thank you for the warm welcome. I have watched this forum for about a month or so and have learned so much.....mainly I am in good company. I wanted to start a new thread awhile back on another subject, but just haven't got the gumtion yet.
I have dealt with the shunning quite well because it comes and goes....they never really get too close and refrain from discussing spiritual things as they are taught. That's too bad too. I am not a big Bible person, cannot quote scripture verbatim, but one thing I do know is Jesus came here for a reason, and His teaching are so right. My earnest prayer is that all my thoughts, all my words and all my actions are all from His inspiration and direction. I was second-guessing myself this morning when I started this thread, even though I asked Jesus if I did the right thing by shunning my sisters like they are supposed to shun me just to rid myself of their idiocracies....then I came in here and wrote the thread you are now reading.
I think I will stick around, I can learn much from all of you and share what I know...whatever that is!
Forgiveness is not for them it is for you and will help you move on, and find peace within.
Years ago I had problems with family, and my Dr. told me; "if you can not resolve the problems get them the h*ll out of your life."
I did just that and have never been happier and contented. I longer longer worry about what others think I do this for me and my immediate
family that show love and concern. I still will say hello when I see them I am still kind but I do not associate with any of them nor
do I call them.
You have to be happy in your own life.
I quit!
I agree with Heavens comment. I also believe sometimes you have to distance yourself from crazy family members or friends or they will drag you down with them. If they were my sisters I would want them to know that even though I am cutting them off now I will be there for them if they change their behavior.
Hello and welcome, lots and lots of welcome. You won't be hated by us, that's for sure.
I agree that forgiveness is enstential for healing, if you can't forgive, then you hold a grudge and while yer at it, you won't heal.
So let it go and fuggettaboutit.
Get on with your life as the best as you can and don't look back.
Nonetheless we all are here if you need someone to talk to, except *ahem* Reniaa of course.
No grudges here Yiz, thanks! I woke again with the wonderful feeling of gratitude and today I feel like a new life is here. My only condern is for my sisters, whom I wish so much could know this feeling! I wish them both peace.
Anyone know how I can get an avatar on here?
sounds like you got that moneky off your back crimsonbleu...hopefully they will come around one day...