No, I have no grudges at all. I have forgiven them both many times for their iniquities, and I do believe that bad assocoation spoils useful habits. I can no longer associate with either of them, for it disrupts and stresses me beyond my tolerance now. I forgive them, for they know not what they do.
I Just Told My Two JW Sisters Off
by CrimsonBleu 42 Replies latest jw friends
Wise move crimson. I probably would have done likewise.
The Almighty Homer
because I am turning on them the way they are to turn on me. I told BOTH of them to not speak with me except concerning strictly family matters, that I did not want to see them or talk with them.
I think thats only the proper way to handle this situation, if you find that being social with them is intolerable, unpleasant and mostly irritating.
You should write them a letter telling them so with honesty and intension.
At the same time you can explain to them the many reasons you have no intension of supporting the corrupt WTS.
I have done that and was accused of blaspheming God's Holy organization. I pointed out the United Nations alliance and that really rocked their boat.
Welcome, CrimsonBleu!
You can't choose your family... but you can choose your friends. Make sure you have some good friends.
One thing you could do with your sisters in the future, if you decide to speak to them again, is to establish boundaries with them. Nicely but firmly let them know you do not appreciate their hate and unprincipled behaviours. If they wish to continue with them, then tell them you can't see them. If they wish to be principled with you and each other, then you can have a relationship with them.
In my case, I chose to continue to associate with family who have hurt me in the past because I try to see that none of us are perfect. I figure I've probably hurt them too. I have told my father upfront when he is being unprincipled. Right to his face. Nicely, but firmly. I have told him I don't have to come and help him as I have a life too and if he wishes to continue treating me unkindly, I will leave. It works. Sometimes people need to be told.
I do know that families miss each other when they are absent from each others lives. It is sad. I hope things with your sisters can improve.
no more kool aid
Crimson, I found it most interesting that they can't seem to get along among themselves and they are the "wonderful" JW's. That's the way it is in my JW family they want us back but none of them can stand each other. You would think that their international brotherly love would override pettiness. I wish I had sisters, it's so sad that yours are making such a choice.
Heaven, you are right on and I appreciate what you suggest. In fact, that is exactly how I feel. Since THEY are the ones still involved with WT and are not supposed to be associating with me, they both are/were full aware of the boundaries set forth by WT and still continued to associate with me....and it was great for the most part...except when they involve me in their spiffs, and then chastise me for not belonging to God's Holy Organization! They'd tell me how sad they are for me, and they love me and want me to come to the Truth so we can all share in everlasting life! I tell them I am not coming back to KH and WT. I already feel very secure with my relationship with Goid without their teachings.
As of recently, one sister has just become rude, arrogant and selfish, belittling me in every way possible and telling me I don't know anything about the WTS and the Organization, and that I don't even know her. Maybe that is true...I don't kow her....anymore. She has turned mean and hateful. She is the one who hates the other sister with obsession. Mind you, she has a delightful, wonderful side that I adore....she is capable of such kindness and helpfulness, and I love that about her. Both I should say are that way....until they turn on me....or each other. I can't take that anymore!!!
In some cases, ending "toxic" relationships is a good thing.
That's good advice. It doesn't matter if they're JWs or family.
Mind you, she has a delightful, wonderful side that I adore....she is capable of such kindness and helpfulness, and I love that about her. Both I should say are that way....until they turn on me....or each other. I can't take that anymore!!!
I think your sister(s) need(s) some professional help. I have seen this type of behaviour in other JWs. I think most of them are somewhat mentally ill in varying degrees because of the contradictory and negative dooms day environment they are subjected to. I have seen this in my father. I can't see how anyone can remain mentally healthy in the WTS.