Total Strangers...would you believe and do whatever they tell you?

by oompa 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oompa

    That is what i did the first 45 years of my life. Because i was born in...fourth generation...i really did not have much of a choice since i tried to be a good doubts started at 19, but i had been bad enough in high school that i became a pioneer for a year and a half as a form of penance to my parents....soon thereafter, wife and kids and job became a big distraction....and life just happened as it does to must born in dubs.......

    now that i am out i realize that ALL of what i was and did and spewed at doors....was actually accepted by me from TOTAL STRANGERS!!!.......that i had never even met!!!! nuts is that?!?!?.........every freakin meeting and most prayers mention this spooky sounding "faithful and discreet slave (class)".....yet it is never personalized in who the hell are these guys (the governing body) that have sooooo much influence over your entire life....starting as kids and by adulthood you are on autopilot to accept what these "strangers" say.....and you know not to just do....

    so you are walking down the street and a guy says...."you must go to XYZ and you must say 123...and you can ask no questions about me as to why you must do this...and never express you own real opinions if they differ from anything i ever tell you"......

    well at LEAST YOU GET TO TALK TO THAT GUY AND MEET HIM!!!!!.....geeze so few dubs ever even meet the GB...much less really get to know do what they tell you in print and in talks not even given by them....and funny...but you dont even know if "they" even wrote the stuff...or even thought of the about is faith in TOTAL STRANGERS!!!! THAT is strange ...............oompa

    curious if this matters to any fence sitters out there.....hope so

  • Satanus

    Contrast that w the primordial 'religion' if it can be called that. It was shamanism. Each tribe had it's own shaman. He or she was there 24 hrs a day. He didn't actually lead the tribe that much. He generally waited until he was called on about some problem, finding game, weather problems, sickness. 'Course, there was only so much that they could do. More than the gb does for the r&f, anyway.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I was attending a DC in my local area in 2006. I had already felt that I needed to examine the religion better and make some decisions, based on some other things about it. But I was still an elder, using their circular logic week after week from the platform to promote their doctrines.

    One of the Governing Body members was at the DC. It was not my assigned DC, as I went to a foreign-language congregation, and this was an English convention. I believe it was Anthony Morris, but whoever. I realized that I didn't even recognize the name. I couldn't name the men in Brooklyn whose thoughts I was promoting to others. It really was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    I made plans to resign as an elder by the end of that summer, basing my timing on personal events. I included "not knowing" the FDS and the Governing Body who represent them in my resignation letter, quoting articles that said we should have no doubts that they are God's representatives. I said "I have doubts."


    Those total strangers can tear your family apart........


  • Ri

    Somehow these people from the Watchtower grab your mind and take hold of it...WHY?

    Because they tell you what you want to hear...even if they don't believe their own reterect they convince you to believe they are chosen by Jehovah. It is very hard to shake lose once you believe the lies.

  • oompa
    Otwo: I believe it was Anthony Morris, but whoever. I realized that I didn't even recognize the name. I couldn't name the men in Brooklyn whose thoughts I was promoting to others. It really was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    Nice otwo...good to know this was a deal breaker for you......i knew this self-righteous coulple (now at bethel)...and some others in their family too...who always memorized everyones name on the GB!.....and used them at every opportunity...even working them into talks and reviewing the entire kind of remind everyone they were "real" people.....instead of it being positive in anyway for just made me realize even more how i had no clue about ANYTHING substantial about these guys lives.............oompa

  • cognac

    Oompa, I disagree to some extent... I mean, isn't part of it that you trusted your parents judgement? For me, it wasn't so much that I trusted the governing body, but I trusted my parents... Idk, just my opinion...

  • straightshooter

    Yes but these strangers initially are so friendly and kind. They carry a Bible and a publication that helps explain the Bible. Though individual members may try to follow the Bible as a guide, the WTBS doesn't. They set the "rules" and "guidelines" that is different from what the Bible really teaches.

  • oompa

    straight shooter.......welcome you newbie in case i missed it earlier......but i am not talking about those local strangers you see all nice and friendly.....i am talking about the top dog rule makers found only in the Governing Body....the guys that make life and death rules for all jw followers.......and who make the rules to cause personal and family trauma....who make sex rules for your marital bed/couch/beach/kitchen island/deck..........oompa

  • AuntBee

    "marital bed/couch/beach/kitchen island/deck.........."

    WOW! creative, aren't you?

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