If you are internet addict at work, do you have internet at home? Well, I work from home. I have been thinking about getting a job outside of the home and use the internet at work, when I get home from work, there will be no internet at home, so I would not be internet junkie anymore at home. LOL!
Are you internet addict at work?
by asilentone 10 Replies latest jw friends
I'm so addicted that I have my IPhone and carry it every where. I read the news and blogs pretty much all the time. The only time I don't is when I am driving.
If I could hook it up to my navigation system, I would.
That would be a big yes, and it seems to be the hardest habit to break.
if i spent as much time working as i am on the internet at work, i would be president of the company. however, with that said, every person around me is on the internet more than anything. anytime you walk into someone's office, they are on some web site that is not work related.
so so so guilty.
If I could stay off that internet (and this site in particular) I would be so much more productive...
Actually, I'm more productive because, out of twinges of conscience, I over compensate at work.
We do daily reports of activities, and mine is always higher than the other workers.
I'm not addicted. I can quit anytime ...
what Kudra said. **sigh**