by whathehadas 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff

    Who gets to define sin? Whoever sells that gets the control. Ask Christian religions....

  • BabaYaga

    Hello and welcome, WhatThe!

    Yours is a wonderful question. The answer is... Adam and Eve is a tale, and nothing more. (I like Billy's answer.)

    Heaven! Great point, that Adam was lonely. Perfection is not lonely. Then again, why did the almighty creator feel the need to create in the first place? If he is omnipotent, why is he:

    • Jealous
    • Bloodthirsty
    • Insecure and demanding sacrifice and worship

    Things that make you say "myth".

  • truthsetsonefree

    While blunt, I think shamus nailed it.

  • yknot

    I guess it all depends in what is 'perfect'....

    Perfect bodies?

    Perfect Understanding/Knowldege?

    Perfect Morality?

    Free will I suppose allows a "being" a choice to follow the latter two. You can chose to believe a different understandings/knowledge and chose to have a different set of guidelines regarding what is or isn't moral.

    ......but of course the above is just imperfect musings of a very imperfect gal......

  • Robdar

    The scripture says God saw that it (his creation) was good, not perfect.

    Maybe I missed the scripture that says man was created perfect?

  • diamondiiz

    IMO perfection that was lost is a perfect spiritual way of following God's requirements not that Adam and Eve were perfect in a sense that WTS presents. If all humans would be perfect in all things all would be like robots. I don't believe Jesus needed to be perfect as a carpenter nor was a best looking man at the time but was perfect in following the spiritual standard required. This is JMHO

  • Gregor

    This is the essence of religous power. Whether the WTS or Catholics, they can never be satisfied by their imperfect followers. That's why they are called sheep. "Keep trying your best to please 'God' (us). You'll still be a piece of shit but maybe you can be, get back to work and quit touching yourself!"

  • GromitSK

    Isn't perfection, if any definition is possible, determined by how well a thing fulfills the purpose for which it was created or developed? Perhaps perfect means 'without defect'. Determining whether a characteristic is a defect or whether it is a natural feature which has developed presupposes that we know the original purpose. I cannot see how perfection has to mean uniformity in thought or action, or why perfection means 'not making mistakes' (eg could a person be perfect but need experience? if so then perhaps they could make mistakes whilst still being perfect as they gained more experience), I cannot see why perfection means omniscience either.

    Now I expect one or two will proffer the Bible as the definition of the purpose for which we are created and they are entitled so to believe. Just because one believes the Bible to offer the definition however doesn't make it so.

    My own view is that there is no point in thinking too much about what perfection means for a human as none of us are likely to experience it in our lifetimes, or see it in another person, even if we could agree on a definition.

  • purplesofa

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