Interesting Words from LaToya Jackson

by jamiebowers 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • quietlyleaving

    I guess LaToya wants her book to sell.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It is very easy to find differences between myself, and my upbringing, and Michael and his family and their upbringing, but over the past few days I keep bumping into similarities.

    I have known for a long time that we did have some common factors in our background and even in current issues, but I had no idea of how many.

    It seems like not a day goes by and I find out something about him and his family that has a parallel in my life.

    I am sure I am not the only 'born in' that is noticing this.

    His family has my deepest sympathy for their loss.

    My greatest fear for their family is for the children. I know what it is like to be a child victim of a family controlled by a cult and a tyrant father.


    Consciousness expresses itself through creation.
    This world we live in is the dance of the creator.
    Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on.
    On many an occasion when I'm dancing, I've felt touched by something sacred.
    In those moments, I've felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
    I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
    I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
    I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
    The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy.

    I keep on dancing and dancing.......and dancing, until there is only......the dance.......

    © Michael Jackson

  • quietlyleaving

    wow Michael Jackson wrote that- sounds like he could see beyond his "abusive father and abusive cult background".

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It"s such an odd Scenario and it's sad how the politics and legal behavior and so called family reacts .....

  • Satanus

    'We couldn't identify it, but we all sensed something was wrong in our house. Most of my siblings 'rebelled' by essentially running away from home to teenage marriages. ... I was Mother's best friend, and the quietest, shyest, most obedient child of all. I surprised everyone. I also broke the cardinal rule of a dysfunctional family. I stopped living the lie and playing the destructive game. -- pages 1-2.

    "Thinking back over all those years, I realized that Mother was the guiding force behind the cruelty and abuse. This lady who pretended to be so gentle on the surface had in fact caused all the turmoil in our lives. We'd always thought that it was Joseph, but it was her,'

    I find this part so interesting, cuz, in my family, it was similar. Growing up, we thought my dad was the bastard, but after having left home for many yrs and reading a lot, we found out it was my mother who was the source of the trouble, and she skillfully passed the blame onto my dad. My jw sister also has said the something similar to me.

    The quote about dance, also very interesting. It seems that for michael, dance was his mystical step into the spiritual. No wonder. It was what kept him going, perhaps. Kinda glad that he went while he was doing the one thing that he loved, that allowed him to transcend the physical.


  • Satanus

    Thanks micky mouse and blacksheep for providing those quotes, btw:)


  • quietlyleaving

    satanus, being a mother myself, the way I see it, it seems mother nature has a lot to answer for

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    " elder issued him an ultimatum that my brother must choose between music and the [Jehovah's Witness] religion."

    To me this quote represents the greatest sin the wbts commits against God. The wbts pressures followers with ultimatums to turn their backs on God given talents and replace them with sales pitch meetings and distribution campaigns. How many people who were meant by God to be doctors, scientists, authors, actors, athletes, etc are instead sitting through mind numbing meetings and going through the motions searching for converts that don't exist? The belief that people must choose between developing real gifts given freely by a loving God or discarding that God given potential to live a life planned and structured by a book bindery based in NYC is sickening and sinful.

  • Satanus


    'seems mother nature has a lot to answer for'

    Do you mean that 'mother nature' is a bit on the cruel side to her children on this planet, being that evolutionary processes of survival of the fittest is one of her processes?


  • quietlyleaving

    Satanus, not exactly but mother nature does have an "appearance of gentleness", she can appear to be "very cruel" and to be as the "source of all our troubles". when we say that our mothers are like this too, it makes me wonder what we are really talking about and describing.

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