Weird stuff individuals believe

by bluecanary 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • drwtsn32
    We are a rock revolving, around the golden sun.She said the song was advocating evolution.

    Revolving? Is that like re-evolving?

  • drwtsn32

    How about you have to be careful about accepting a gift from certain people, because it may be inhabited by a demon. But if it's in new packaging, you don't have to worry. Apparently demons cannot cross the shrink-wrap barrier.

  • Pandoras cat11
    Pandoras cat11

    Most have been mentioned. Brings back bad memories! How about not seeing "PG" movies? Had an elder say that PG stood for putrid garbage. What an idiot.

  • Pandoras cat11
    Pandoras cat11

    Oh I forgot one----Not being allowed to play with Barbie because she was to "suggestive". LOL

  • loosie
    Apparently demons cannot cross the shrink-wrap barrier

    Then JWs should ahve their homes incased in shrink wrap.

    I heard the PG thing = partly garbage

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    My sister & her then boyfriend (now husband) raised eyebrows by holding hands BEFORE THEY WERE ENGAGED!

    How immoral of them

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Was before my time, but dad used to like to tell a story about his mother. Evidently, she believed you were safe under a tin roof during a lighting storm because the lightning would slide off. Also, when he was a kid, if they got a cold during the winter, they had to run around the house barefoot in the snow after dark three times to make the cold go away.

  • Rocky_Girl

    A coworker, 50 year old male who should have known better, thought that he couldn't get AIDS/HIV unless he recieved anally. What a dufus!


  • bluecanary

    Rocky_Girl, sex is a category unto itself. How many idiots still believe you can't get pregnant if you're a virgin/you do it standing up/ you're still wearing clothes/you're on your period/the stars aren't aligned/etc?

  • mraimondi


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