We are a rock revolving, around the golden sun.She said the song was advocating evolution.
Revolving? Is that like re-evolving?
by bluecanary 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We are a rock revolving, around the golden sun.She said the song was advocating evolution.
Revolving? Is that like re-evolving?
How about you have to be careful about accepting a gift from certain people, because it may be inhabited by a demon. But if it's in new packaging, you don't have to worry. Apparently demons cannot cross the shrink-wrap barrier.
Most have been mentioned. Brings back bad memories! How about not seeing "PG" movies? Had an elder say that PG stood for putrid garbage. What an idiot.
Oh I forgot one----Not being allowed to play with Barbie because she was to "suggestive". LOL
Apparently demons cannot cross the shrink-wrap barrier
Then JWs should ahve their homes incased in shrink wrap.
I heard the PG thing = partly garbage
My sister & her then boyfriend (now husband) raised eyebrows by holding hands BEFORE THEY WERE ENGAGED!
How immoral of them
Was before my time, but dad used to like to tell a story about his mother. Evidently, she believed you were safe under a tin roof during a lighting storm because the lightning would slide off. Also, when he was a kid, if they got a cold during the winter, they had to run around the house barefoot in the snow after dark three times to make the cold go away.
A coworker, 50 year old male who should have known better, thought that he couldn't get AIDS/HIV unless he recieved anally. What a dufus!
Rocky_Girl, sex is a category unto itself. How many idiots still believe you can't get pregnant if you're a virgin/you do it standing up/ you're still wearing clothes/you're on your period/the stars aren't aligned/etc?