It's not OK to blast music in your driveway if you are in a neighborhood.

by restrangled 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Yep, Cement block with Stucco over.....You don't have wood based homes in Florida...You'd be eaten by termites otherwise....real quick!!!!!


  • SnakesInTheTower


    You don't have wood based homes in Florida...You'd be eaten by termites otherwise....real quick!!!!!

    my mom and step dad have a house in Dania that is made of wood...pembroke pine...the exception to the no wood rule of South Florida apparently. Apparently the termites dont like the pine. The house is for sale since they moved to Alabama..

    and when the "music" is so loud it rattles the windows and walls, it is too damn loud. In our town of 30,000 is spread out quite a ways...yet we only have 5 FT cops patrolling in the day and 4 at night.... good luck getting them out for noise complaints.

    Snakes ()

  • restrangled

    Snakes, it was shut down in about 20 minutes..Nothing like the Seminole County Sherrif's dept....They always pull through!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    R, it wasn't the trashy neighbor was it?

  • drwtsn32
    Cranked up to 11.

    Just wanted you to know I appreciated your Spinal Tap reference.

  • Yizuman

    What music?

    Me is deaf.




  • WTWizard

    Has anyone ever done a study about what that does to your hearing? Any noise above 70 dB has the potential to ruin your hearing (and that is not all that loud); and by the time it gets to those volume levels, it can make short work of destroying it. Some of those car stereos can exceed 120 dB, which is more than enough to destroy your hearing in short order. Turn the volume down!

    If you must blast your car stereo, I suggest sticking to rural highways. If you are doing 80 MPH in west Texas on I10 or I20 on a rural section, it is only going to ruin your hearing (plus make it more difficult for you to hear an emergency vehicle). However, if you are in a residential area, it can disturb others who might not want any music at that time (and who might be sleeping, have a sick baby, etc.) And, really, do you need to have it going at 140 dB?

  • Yizuman

    I never have trouble with emergency vehicles. I always use the mirrors on a constant basis when I am driving.

    But yeah, not a good idea to lose your hearing when one is taking such for granted and heavily dependant on it. A sudden loss means a whole change in the way of doing things.


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