Personal experience of accepting Jesus as God, how was it for you?

by digderidoo 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    Take off the shackles Reniaa! Leap into the void! The leap of faith! The Lord will catch you, I promise.

  • lurk3r

    Really BTS - The poor guy that started this new topic thread, did so cause the last thread was hijacked. Your doing the exact same thing as Reniaa. Please man, refrain.

  • Chalam

    Hi Paul,

    BTS, the Holy Spirit being a person is maybe something i will look into at another stage lol

    Good call. Look forward to posting regarding Him soon :)

    All the best,


  • BurnTheShips

    Sorry. Got carried away in the RENIAAMANIA.



    "Please do not debate on this thread, i am asking for your personal experience of this, NOT trinitarian doctrine VS non-trinitarian doctrine. I have found the personal experiences of Christian friends interesting to me whilst i define my own spiritual path, but would like to hear those Christians with a JW background...............Dideridoo"

    As anyone can see..The writer of this thread set guidelines for this topic..

    have never accepted Jesus as God only as God's son as the bible always calls him. my experiences with the bible it is all open up to me if I accept Jesus in my life as king and Priest and ACTUALLY God's beloved son but also excepting Jehovah as God and been able to use a Personal name for Almighty God Jehovah is a blessing other religions just throw away like it is meaningless despite math 6 the lords prayer.

    (yes you asked for only one type of experience but this is a Jw site not a christendom one so I am treating this thread as the pro-Jw I am) if you want to promote a purely themed debate on one religion I recommend you use the forum for that religion.


    As usual,Reniaa thinks she is above everyone......The WBT$.....The Writer of this thread.....And..The one Posting Guideline she repeatedly breaks,on our Board JWN..

    Posting Guidline #10:"Posting an off topic Comment"..

    Personally I am tired of this "Ass".....Hi-Jacking Threads and laughing as she does it....

    I`m not a Christian,but I do show repect for my Christian Friends..

    Reniaa could learn from the Real Christians on this Board..



    One more thought..

    Reniaa will not stop..

    If you really want to Dedicate this Thread to:"Jesus as God"


    This Thread is a Celebration..Of your Relationship,with "Jesus as God"..

    Don`t let an "Ass" ruin it for you!!


  • Yizuman

    Reniaa is basically stuck in a 1 or 2 dimensional thinking regarding the Trinity. If she is truly a JW as she claims to be (which there is doubts being presented based on the evidence in her postings), inregardless of her situation, she's showing her incapability to think outside of the box regarding demensional realms and physics.

    Keep in mind Reniaa, heaven is a whole different universe in itself. When it comes to physics in between earth and heaven, anything that exists on earth do not exist in heaven and anything in heaven do not exist on earth. We're talking about two entirely different realms.

    The bible describes what heaven is like in terms of the New Jersalem that will descend from heaven to earth after the 1000 year millennial reign of Christ. Stuff described in Revelations matches nothing what we currently have on earth or have the capability to create or even build a magnitude of such scale, let alone attempt it. (funny how such writers like John who wrote Revelations after seeing the vision of heaven can come up with such detail for a man of his education, culture, technology and even dream of future ideas like that in such a grand scale.)

    In any rate, Reniaa, you're inwillingness to fully understand the capabilities of what God is capable of doing. If he can be 3 places at once, being God and the Father on the Throne, while at the same time be man on earth while at the same time have his Spirit (Holy Spirit) hovering over the earth and doing his work for not only just Jesus, but all sorts of people from all over the last pre and post Christ years.

    Lastly, I just don't understand why you are here, you're not going to change anybody's mind, more and more people are starting to see through your games. Give it up, you're not gonna win anything.

    That's just the way I see it.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I hope my experience about the trinity isn't lost in all the Reniaa rubbish. I think a deep thinking 9 year old's point of view is very valid. So simple a child can figure it out.


    JWN.......Lets help this Thread get back on Topic!!..

    Ignore Reniaa!!

    Lets give this thread back to the people..Who consider this topic,very important in thier lives..

    Thier "Relationship with Jesus as God."


  • lurk3r

    Digder - Thanks for starting this thread. I'm not answering the question you posed, but would like to do a bit of digging in the same direction. I hope this is ok.

    FHN - I can really appreciate where you coming from with the 9 year old analogy. I asked many questions when I was child as well. The Jesus being God has only been a consideration over the past 5 years or so, and unlike my 9 year old viewpoint, I have more experience since then. It doesn make "sense" to me, but there are many people that do see it that way, and they have some pretty good backup. I find it's something I'm forced to consider.

    Drunk or not Jaguar, you have a some great lines in your post that I can relate to. Thanks. I hope your able to perservere in your struggle with the bottle. I truly, and wholeheartedly feel for your pain if I am reading things correctly.

    Chalam - I appreciate you letting your feelings and thoughts out to the extent you have with your first post in this thread.It's a far cry from the "bible thumping" Chalam that I have come to "know". Granted I have not read all your posts, but I THINK , on a whole that's how I would sum it up for me personally. I'm fairly sure you realize that I mean no offense towards you. You can quote what the "good book" has to say till your blue in the fingers(ha!), but for myself, unless you actually say how you FEEL, in your own words, it will always fall short for me, as I think JC has to be bigger than the bible. After all, he is God right? He HAS to be.

    I would LOVE to accept JC. I have reasons within myself, and outside of myself to too. But I won't, at least not yet.Until I am SURE, I will not take that plunge.

    "Back at home I had an amazing experience. The best I can describe was it was like I was high on drugs. I felt like I was on cloud nine, like all the heavy things that were weighing me down had been lifted from me. I literally could not stop smiling all day long. That was not me! I had a few laughs in the 20 years but I was not a happy person, not all day long. Anyhow, it went on for days. My wife knew something was up. See could feel it and see it! The thing is, after that initial step of faith,I drifted back to "normal" and the awesome feeling I had ebbed away. Certainly after a couple of weeks, I was back to my sad life of sex, drug and rock and roll."

    Chalam, I do appreciate your, along with others, expressions of faith regarding Jesus. There is nothing to's just JC. Plain and simple. But really, how do you know you didn't "sell out"? Im asking this in the most respectful way too, don't get me wrong. The last thing,the very last thing I am gonna do is accept him till I know...and one day, like yourself, perhaps I will. I don't see them too often, but there ARE ex born agains out there. I can think of NO worst feeling in "accepting him", only to "wonder" about it down the road. I appreciate your experience, but with all the many thoughts expressed in the world, and on this board, I would be devastated beyond expression in making such a pledge, knowing that I could well see it another way one day. For all the many idea's, thoughts and feelings I have had, accepting Jesus, somehow feels like the end of the line. I don't like that thought. An animal bound in a cage, if thats all he knows, is very happy there. Ignorance is bliss, at least for some. I would hate to accept him and become ignorant to the world around me. There are many questions, and many answers, and no offense, but your joy does not equal mine.

    I once had a run in with some people, that hate him. I once had an experience that affected me, my heart, and my mind in very literal way. Throughout that period of time, and under some very extraordinary circumstances, I came to believe that "the spirit" of Jesus, does exist. I have had some grandiose thoughts about "the man", and in my wildest dreams have wondered about his "role". Accepting Jesus is an exchange of sorts in my opinion, and I would hate to be disappointed.After all, he is God to you and many. After that, there would be nothing left if it didn't work out. I'm not ready for that, nor will I prepare.


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