letter of disassociation from a Christian

by reniaa 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jeeprube
    the beginning verses in Acts 15 show that it was a congregational discussion....not just the apostles and 'some of the older men' as the WT claims.

    That's a good point. It reminds me of the actual procedure implemented in the first century for rule breakers within the congregation. The "judicial committee they faced was at the city gates, in the open, in front of everyone. They could call their own witnesses and actually speak in defense of themselves. If they were actually found guilty then other Christians would still associate with them, they just wouldn't eat with them as the scriptures instructed them.

    In other words any "punishment" was not used as a means of control over some subservient individual, rather it was a mere statement of disagreement among Christians who were all on the same level......brothers in Christ. This is far different from the abusive and controlling practices of today's JWs.

  • jeeprube
    For cryin' out loud Reniaa give it up and write your own letter.

    That's not possible. Reniaa is incapable of thinking for herself. All she can do is regurgitate what Mother has said.

  • isaacaustin

    Right...judicial committees were held at the city gates. Anyone who wanted to be present could. The only precedent I see in the Bible for the JW judicial committees is Jesus trial. The JW jud committees are conducted very similar to Jesus trial.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Thank you for posting this Reniaa.

    For all lurkers, please notice the healthy depth and breadth of discussion, the free flow of ideas and the resulting controversy that transpired amongst the brothers and sisters in the early congregation.

    Ask yourself this question: In the Bible, do you see the apostles threatening to disfellowship their dear brothers and sisters, simply because they came to a different conclusion after deep personal study and research? No.

    Sadly though, that is the case among Jehovah's Witnesses. Instead of allowing time to pass to prove or disprove their conclusions, in totalitarian fashion, they demand greater authority and control than did even the apostles.

  • winstonchurchill

    And by the way, why is this sanctimonious 'sister' devoting so much time to associate with apostates and DF’d people?

    Isn't that against the rules of WTS? Do you know you can be Df'd for that?

    In other words, and as a tribute to the late (and DF'd) Bro. Jackson: BEAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will let Reniaa make her point without tearing her apart for posting this. I like the letter. Men have been misdirecting men in Christianity since it's founding and the Bible shows contradictions.

    It reminds me of a particular point within the WT organization-

    ...But she is happier if she remains as she is, according to my opinion. I certainly think I also have God’s spirit.

    That about sums up what the Governing Body has to say through the pages of WT literature. They duck on being "inspired" but give their opinion and then remind everyone that, according to them, they have God's spirit. So, they are allowed to be wrong, but members are not allowed to say they could be wrong. Members have to wait for those with God's spirit to change their minds, then they can say they WERE wrong before, but still have God's spirit on their current views.

  • mdb

    The writer of that letter is angry and unlearned. There are a lot of errors, contradictions and in arrogance assumptions made about God's word and His servants. They have obviously been fed lies so long they don't know which way is up.

    I couldn't take to reading it all. I was annoyed after getting half way through. Neither Paul nor any of the apostles were trying to lift themselves up to be greater than Jesus. That's rediculous. They all knew Jesus was (and is) God, not just a channel, and they worshiped Him. Paul actually said, "follow me as I immitate Christ." He was saying that he wanted the people (who he was like a father to in the faith - leading them to Christ through the message of the gospel) to follow his example as he followed Him. Unltimately, follow the Lord Jesus Christ whom Paul served.

    The "ORG" was not around during the early Church and the "Watchtower witness" is NOT a Christian. They don't know Christ and call Christians apostates!

    I think that's all I'm going to say before I get carried away.

  • reniaa

    thx for the positive notes for this letter of 3w's, it's one I have always found thought provoking,

    It is only a parody and there are many differences in over 2000 years, many things we have to deal with now they had no need to address then. I sometimes wonder what one appostle would feel if he could see what we are doing today? would he have any doubt we were in the 'last days' would he be horrified at what we watch on TV, how everything is sexualised how our children don't have the father's in a lot of cases to bring them up in God's way.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    So Ren, do you agree or disagree?

    I prefer Zen. Less totalitarian punches being thrown by the heavies. That's just me.


  • megs

    What is "God's Way"? Tying your kid down to kill him because God told you to? Gee, bet that doesn't leave emotional scars like television being sooooo sexualized... much better to just smite them, like the bible says, right?

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