Harry Potter vs. The Wizard of Oz

by LDH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jankyn

    Actually, when I was a kid, there were a lot of folks in the hall who refused to watch The Wizard of Oz, and who were of course quick to criticize those who did watch it.

    It's the inconsistency in the Borg, and the constant striving for a "more theocratic than thou" position. The magazines will say, "Some movies and television programs promote the occult, and mature Christians will avoid them." Nice and vague. Then the wannbe theocrats in the congregation will start deciding what is and is not allowed.

    Back in the day, the know-nothings in my congregation insisted it was wrong to watch "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Jeannie." (Of course, those were the same people who were too theocratic to own a television, but showed up at our house to watch whenever something interesting was on).

    I'm sure they're saying the same thing about "The X-Files" now. And of course, since the Society will never actually NAME what programs/movies they want the flock to avoid (because they really and truly want the sheep to avoid ANYTHING that might stimulate their little gray brain cells), everybody gets to be confused and judgemental. Oh, yeah, and guilty...

    What a trip. Glad it's no longer mine.


  • teejay


    If you're still here...

    In writing my term paper on the genesis/ making of/history/ of The Wizard of Oz, I came across a lot of information on Judy Garland (came close to changing the subject of my paper as a result). I found a site on the Net where she sings with her sisters. Even though she was six or seven at the time, it was clear that she would be a major talent. She was a truly gifted person and performer.

    Without boring you, I also discovered that she is quite the heroine in the gay community. I never found out exactly why (didn't try, really, as my thesis centered on the movie itself) but would you mind explaining why that is? Why are gays so enamored of her?


  • Thirdson

    I don't think so, but just maybe "Harry Potter" the movie becomes a classic. That is it is shown on TV every year around Christmas. Once in the popular culture it will lose all the problems of being a witch and wizard movie. Given time everything seems less evil or bad.

    I remember counsel from the platform given to all the young ones in my congregation (me included) about watching violent movies, James Bond no less (Live and Let Die -- 1973). I guess most JWs have no problem with watching the James Bond Marathon on the SuperStation.


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I loved "Wizard of Oz" but the movie is far different from the book it's based on. I loved all of Baum's books as a kid. Although I watched the film practically every time it was televised since I was three years old, and loved it, I felt the books were far richer and darker than the Hollywood version. The Disney film "Return to Oz" was much more faithful to the books; Siskel and Ebert panned it, complaining that is wasn't as sweet and light as 'the original film.' Obviously neither of them had ever read Baum's books; "Return" was wonderfully faithful to Baum's Oz.

    "Harry Potter" was remarkably faithful to the book. My ten-year-old, who has read all four books at least six times, gave it a huge thumbs-up. It's a great film with an amazing cast.

    For a fun fun evening, try doing a 'Dark Side of Oz' party. You watch "Oz" with the sound turned down, and play Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon' as soundtrack. You start the cd at the MGM Lion's third roar. The synchronicities are incredible. Simply restart the CD when it ends (the second half of the film has less weird coincidence than the first but it has its moments too.)

    As always,
    Mommie Dark

  • ballistic

    So, what exactly are the rules regarding films? You can't have certain films allowed in one place and not in another? All I can remember is that here in the UK, we were warned from the platform that if a film had a certificate 18 and was therefore not suitable for children, it would also not be suitable for christains.

  • plmkrzy

    LDH this is your fault.
    I remember long ago when an anouncment was made at ouur KH about t.v. shows parents should not allow us kids to whatch anymore due to demon influence. "I Dream of Jeanie" Because she was portraying magic. The big one to keep kids away from was "Bewitched"
    There was no way in hell I was gonna come home from school and NOT whatch "I Dream of Jeanie" I still remember other kids acting surprised when they knew I was still allowed to whatch them. I just asked my mom why do we have to stop whatching the best shows all the time? I am so glad I wasn't that deprived as a kid. Most of the kids in my cong. were. That sucks.
    I say Harry Poter, It was ok. Lord of the Rings I would have liked better if it wasn't SOo long!. Damn that was a long movie.

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