the remnant

by larc 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    I gave stats under JW decline, but I forgot one. During the last ten years, the number of the remnant has not changed, which means that as fast they die, they are being replaced with nebies. Now what does this mean anyway?
    Couple possibilities:
    1. they are cooking the books
    2. all those that die are evil and must be replaced
    3. somebody's assigning people to the remnant class to keep the numbers up
    Sure is a puzzle to me. I need to talk to an elder.

  • RR

    Okay, you can talk to me ... more and more witnesses are partaking of the memorial, as they see that much of what the Society teaches is not scriptural.

    Consider also that the figures are really wayyyyyyyy off ... as many JW's partake of the memorial in the privacy of their homes in small groups, outside of the congrebation, as they do not what the stigma of being labeled.

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

  • waiting

    Hey RR,

    as many JW's partake of the memorial in the privacy of their homes in small groups, outside of the congrebation, as they do not what the stigma of being labeled.

    Interesting observation. How would that be proven - if it's done in privacy? I've never heard of this - either in my community nor on the net. More information from you forthcoming?


  • Xandit

    I've heard of this a few times before but not much detail other than the bare statement. I'd like to know how much of this is going on.

    Personally I don't feel any kind of heavenly calling, I'm an earthly kind of person I guess.

  • Simon

    There is also the possibility that people partake as a kind of protest. I know I've thought of it to annoy a few people!
    It's kind of like why the memorial attendance keeps going up so much even when the normal meeting attendance goes down - it's the only time when all the ones who have left can come back and see their old buddies.
    I'm sure there are more people who have been JW's than are JWs. There is quite a high churn rate so when the numbers go from 4 million to 5 million it doesn't necesarily meant that 1 million have joined. More likely 2 million joined and a million left. Something like that !

  • Pathofthorns

    The problem is that so many of our statistics are completely inaccurate or misleading or completely unimportant. I don't believe the actual numbers are manipulated, but way too much emphasis and meaning is put to them.

    Really, who cares just how many "annointed" there are? Between all your "nut cases" and young annointed partaking at home the numbers must be way off. Besides, what purpose does it serve? The same with number of hours in field service. By how many millions of hours is it inaccurate? Again, who cares? Its a meaningless statistic.

    As far as the whole annointed numbers problem goes, it shows to me that there are simply too many inconsistencies with our present position on the matter.

    The whole 1935 thing is not supported in scripture. The "replacement" theory is completely out of hand. (like how many of these old guys are becoming "evil slaves"... really). For what possible reason cannot people still be being called? Aren't the four winds supposed to be held back until the number is filled?

    Plus I find that they have put so many other sheep in responsible positions while supposed annointed ones, the ones who are going to judge angels are often not appointed and viewed with sketicism. To me it shows they don't even believe their own doctrine.

    What it all appears like is all of this "annointed" talk is designed to distract from the fact that all the power lies in a handful of men and not in a "class" of people. The annointed are in reality no more important than your average "joe" publisher. Such a shame more emphasis is placed on organizational appointments, than those made by the Holy Spirit.


  • thinker

    You go Path. I must agree. As for the secrecy, I happened to grow up in a congregation that had a real problem with this. A group of supposed "annoited ones" was started, and grew like wildfire. My father, an elder at the time, spoke up and was chastised severely for it, upshot, he had to leave the congregation. Just got too hot for him. They really were a bunch of freaks, many of them on heavy medications for real or imagined afflictions. Not to mention some of them had mixed illegal nacotics with meds before becoming witnesses. And these would be the ones to rule over me? I think not.

  • RR

    I know of many cases [personally] where JWs would go to the memorial then afterwards go home and meet together in a private home and partake themselves.

    They do this because of the stigma it may have on the congregation. Not wanting to fraw any attention to themselves, especially if they are young or haven't been a baptized JW for long.

    Many older ones or "long timers" scoff at the idea of some "snot nose kid" becoming anointed, claiming "I've been in the truth before you were born, why would God call you and not." My reply to such ones is, "with an attitude like that, why would He?"

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

  • Pathofthorns

    Almost sounds like Jesus illustration of the eleventh hour workers who got the same wages as those who worked all day.

    I guess when one looks at those who were called in the Scriptures for a special work, they were usually of a young age and were looked down upon by the established systems.

    It's sad that people are forced to partake in secret in an organization that feels they will be judged by how they treat Christ's brothers. I wonder how he will judge those that doubt another's calling. Wouldn't this be like labelling one of Christ's brother's a liar and denying the power of the Holy Spirit?


  • Frenchy

    The Society has hinted that not all partakers are really of the annointed. The numbers merely reflect the partakers. Thus the anomaly is explained.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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