Protesting and Demonstrating at District Convention

by jabberwock 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jabberwock

    Has anyone who has attended a district convention this year seen any protestors or demonstrators?

    Have you ever protested or demonstrated or maybe even handed out literature at a convention or assembly? Do you know anyone who has?

    What happened? What was it like?


  • mraimondi

    a bunch of badly dressed people show up, with huge beards (likely trying too hard to be un-witnesslike) screaming and yelling at people 2 feet away from them, somehow their bad breath fills the open air, even more apparent than their retarded message.

    All i could think was "jesus, get a life"

    now, i think the same thing, and i feel they are a detriment to any real opposition to the practices of the WTBTS...

  • dozy
    dozy San Diego

    I've seen a few of these over the years - usually "born agains" or occasionally ex-JWs / apostates. I remember been terrified as a young child by a man screaming at me that I was going to burn in hell forever.

    I personally don't think this confrontational approach works. It allows JWs to compartmentalise and label opposers. Self defeating.

  • alanv

    To me it is the worst possable way to show objection to the Watchtower society. They tell their members they will be hated and persecuted , and look there is the evidence. They love it. Complete vindication that they are right.

  • slimboyfat

    Remember that old youtube video of the man dressed up as the devil outside the Convention?

    I thought the one where the man dressed as an ape and carried a sign "don't let the Watchtower make a monkey out of you" was quite funny.

  • MissingLink

    The problem is those Jesus freaks actually make the JWs look like the sane ones.

  • designs

    Fundamentalists, Evangelicals, Baptists- Hell Fire Trinitarians...

    Now there is a happy group to join.

    I am always amazed that a person would walk out of the Witnesses and into one of these religions, what's up with that!



  • slimboyfat

    Amen designs.

  • mouthy

    Yes I was one of the "freaks" as you call us. There was NO yelling or screaming
    we walked quietly with placards with scripture on them.
    It was such a pity to see the fear on the faces as they came out of Brooklyn Bethel
    But what a wonderful joy ,to meet one of these people the next year at Pennsylvania
    Convention of EX JWS.
    It was the JWS who taught us to demonstrate,as they had to carry signs
    out side churches many years ago, We just did as "MOTHER" taught us.

  • mouthy

    While watching that video.All I could think of they the Witnesses are "DRESSED TO KILL"

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