Theocratic Warfare - Is The GB Encouraging JWs To Be Liars?

by Yizuman 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yizuman
  • insearchoftruth

    I have not read the article, but my wife who was raised in a JW family and who is currently studying with them again does not consider the withholding of information a lie.......even if it is somewhat long as it benefits her cause.

  • Yizuman

    What sort of cause, may I ask?


  • shamus100

    Nothing new to a dub.

  • insearchoftruth

    Basically anything and everything, in relationship to the JWs if she wants to slip out and go to a meeting, if she is going to drop by the JWs house, if they are over for her mind control session......what ever.

    This sort of 'not telling the whole story' has carried over to other things, evasive answers on not attending her classes, not saying how she is doing in classes. The big one is if she is out shopping and she says she has gone to stores A, B and C, I will ask her if she spent anything so I can keep the accounts somewhat balanced, she will say no and the statement will come up that she purchased something at store D....well I ask her about it and the response is normally something flippant like I didn't tell you that I didn't spend anything there.........

    See you are from IN, was originally from the northwest area of IN

  • Yizuman

    I'd like to see Reniaa explain why lying is acceptable and yet ignores from scriptures that liars have no place in heaven (or on earth for that matter).


  • mrsjones5

    My father taught me that when information is omitted it's lying - lying by omission. My father taught me that if you find one lie mostlikely you will find more and if that is so that person or any type of institution is not to be trusted. I can not for the life of me understand why my own father cannot see the forest for the trees and go by the wisdom he has taught me.


  • wobble

    dear mrs Jones,

    My father told me the same stuff, but he was such a liar I didn't believe him.

    Only joking



  • carla

    The jw's suggested lying to me from the very beginning, one of the first times he ever had contact with them at the door. There have been other times the ms & elders suggested he lie to me or withhold certain information.

  • yknot

    The WTS encourages JWs to protect the Organization's image at all do less is bringing reproach on Jehovah's name.

    In my KH not many R&F really know about strategy, but they are willing to sacrifice should a WTS representative tell them too (Elders,CO, legal counsel)

    The two biggest responses I got from reading the paper was my sense of offense over the word 'dishonest' as my training was so wrapped up in entitlement and the second is that I wasn't offended at the use of strategy and found myself defending the concept in my own mind.... I see the 'big deal' but at the same time I don't see the 'big deal'

    I 'honestly' have never seen any use of strategy on my part as 'dishonest'. ......... obviously I still have a way to go in deprogramming and this being so deeply ingrained I suspect it will be hard to rid myself of the practice.

    Much to think about........

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