BRAVO! JW "tolerance" article

by alamb 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD

    The situation with the JW gentleman objecting to he New Hampshire license plate slogan "Live Free Or Die" is similar to that of Islamic women who object to having their uncovered face photographed for driver's license pictures.

    It boils down to a question of whether operating a motor vehicle is a right or a privilege.

    American courts have consistently affirmed that it is the latter of the two and anyone who wants to operate a motor vehicle has a simple choice: Conform to the legal requirements or don't operate a motor vehicle.

  • daniel-p

    You're an American, right? Well, act like one. It constitutes the very height of hypocrisy to live in this nation and refuse to support it. If you don't like the way things are done by majority, move on.

    So we should follow along with "how things are done by the majority"? While I'm glad he calls the JWs out on their hypocrisy, it doesn't mean everyone has to give up their right of dissension and debate. He's a little too right-winger for me. It's almost like the next thing he's gonna say is "if you dont like Ameriker than you kin get out!!" like a buck-toothed tobacco-spitting ignoramous.

  • Sunspot

    "The fact is Jehovah's Witnesses are not recognized as a religion in some countries; branded as a cult or sect, their activities were banned in Canada and Australia, for example.

    So Jehovah's Witnesses want to have it both ways; they actually define intolerance of other views, yet demand tolerance for their own."


    This pretty much sums it up doesn't it?

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