I'm Having a Sheparding Call...

by cognac 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Accckkk... This stinks... Anyways, there is going to be an elder and MS there. I just found out who was going to be there. The MS's daughter is going through a lot of problems right now. I feel bad for her. She's anorexic and has been seeing heart specialists and everything...

    It bothers me that he's coming here to do a sheparding call when really I feel like he should be home with his family and giving his daughter the support that she needs...

  • sir82

    Well they apparently don't anticipate problems from you, or giving you a particularly hard time.

    If they planned on giving you grief they would send 2 elders over.

    If it's just an MS along, they plan for it to be an "encouraging" call, nothing too heavy, just "it sure would be nice to see you more regularly at meetings / field service / blah blah blah".

  • asilentone

    maybe he is reaching out to be an elder.

  • asilentone

    I agree with Sir82, I had a shepherding call way back, elder and MS came to visit me, it was "encouraging".

  • minimus

    Sir is right. What you should do is tell the MS how badly you feel for HIM and make HIM the center of the visit. That'll bewilder them.

  • cognac

    maybe he is reaching out to be an elder.

    Given the problems in his family, would he qualify???

  • asilentone

    good suggestion, Minimus!

  • asilentone

    cognac, he still could qualify to be an elder, the BOE might say "He does not let obstacles deter him to be an elder"

  • snowbird

    I'm long overdue for a shepherding call.



  • cognac

    What you should do is tell the MS how badly you feel for HIM and make HIM the center of the visit. That'll bewilder them.

    lol, yeah, especiallt since I'm not even supposed to know!

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