Some of You Know's words are coming true

by YoYoMama 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    again what can you expect

    yoyomama has been on the board just over a month, she does not know the track record for YK

  • one

    there always options,
    who are we to conclude that humanity has gone one step too far?

    or did we? kidding

  • ISP

    Wow if we had a cent for every WT prediction etc...we could stave off any recession...

    YK is no better.......

  • larc


    I stated that energy production via wind turbines has increased by thirty percent in the last two years. What I meant to say is that it has increased thirty per cent per year. Actually, output has increased four fold in the last five years.

    The cost difference between wind generated energy versus energy from fossil fuels is now half again as large. Twenty years ago it was ten times as large. Now, that is productivity improvement. In European countries where energy costs are higer than in the US, the wind versus fossil fuel differences are near zero. Great efforts are being make in European countries, especially in the UK to increase wind farms Prsently, they have 50 of them. In an off shore wind farm, they have the world's most powerful wind turbin. Just one of them can generate enough electricity for 3,000 homes.

    I point this out because it ties in with one of your ideas, that is, the vast amount of intellectual property that we have. Our ability to continually invent and create is shown in the above example and in my many examples in previous posts in response to You Know, gives us a lot of hope for the future.

  • dubla

    bttt for yoyo and wiz.

  • joelbear

    Hi Larc,

    Thanks again. Maybe you Jan and Metatron are right for being so optimistic about humanity's future. I truly hope you are right and I'm wrong with my more gloomy outlook.

    Maybe the message is that a gloomy outlook in itself is a self fulfilling prophecy.

    Its a concept I need to spend some time contemplating.

    Take care


  • larc

    Hey Joel,

    Did you ever hear the story about an experiement with the two little boys. One was and optimist and one was a pessamist. They put each in a separate room full of horse manure. They came back later and as expected, the pessimist was upset and crying. They were curious as to how the optimist would handle it. They went to his room and found him happy and smiling. They asked him why he was happy. He said, "Well with all this manure, there has to be a pony in here somewhere. I guess, I am always looking for the pony. I don't always find it, and life has been gloomy at times, but generally I have been well off with my outlook, I think.

  • joelbear


    I am trying very hard to become an optimist. I'm getting there slowly but surely. I've lived 13 years with the most eternal optimist of them all, my partner Mitch. He would agree with you Jan and Metatron and in fact we've had some fierce discussions on the same issues.

    Something inside of me is afraid that if I ever become an optimist the world is going to collapse on me.

    take care


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