People monitoring social networking sites

by CrazyBlonde 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • CrazyBlonde

    MissingLink: Unfortunately I can't get the sound brother to record it for me, because he'll be either someone who I know fairly well, or one of the people I suspect 'dobbed' me in (due to recent removal of themselves as my friend on said social networking site - before I ditched all JW friends). I can however attempt to record it using a voice recording app on my phone.

    It was a bit weird that they went straight to the elders, I agree. That will be my next line of amunition, should they bring this up with me again, or even attempt to bring up any issue with me! In my eyes it's a good thing they are not going about it how they are taught to from the Bible - it demonstrates to my husband how things aren't right. So yay for them being fools, they're just working in my favour.

    AWAKE&WATCHING: I'm quite happy for him (if he does even exist!) to go all devious on my ass... The whole wrestling with Satan thing sounds strangely appealing - so long as there's spandex and jelly involved ;D bahahahah. I don't think I was meant for religion somehow.

  • CrazyBlonde

    Haha well I got my special talk alright, the local needs talk was all about moi! moi! moi!

    And apparently someone else as they mentioned that someone had taken a quiz called "what drug am I" and had gotten the result Mushroom. I got Ecstacy... Also about people being friends with df'd family, again not me (but I have df'd friends...)

    They quoted word for word the quiz result from my page. And then did the whole 'do we want to be associated with Satan's world' blah blah thing. Talk about public humiliation! Not that I actually care that much, it was just a bit of a massive over reation for something so small.

    I kind of laughed my way through the talk, I couldn't help it, it was so over the top and ridiculous. They even got the PO to give it. roflmao.

    I got audio too... can we post audio attachments here?

    It was just another push out the door as far as I'm concerned. Thanks to them, I'm well on my way out now! Wish me luck! Bahahaha

  • cameo-d

    Crazy: "

    They found something that caused them to be 'concerned' and went to the elders, and as a result, I got a visit...

    Matt. 18:15

    15If one of my followers [a] sins against you, go and point out what was wrong. But do it in private, just between the two of you. If that person listens, you have won back a follower.

    Sounds to me like someone is not following bible based procedure. I think you should bring this up. I think your accusers should be chastised for not following sound ettiquette and discretion. I also think the elders are out of order for encouraging and allowing this.

    If they sincerely wanted to follow Jesus' teachings they would have asked your accusers if they had taken the matter up with you first.

    By allowing unnamed accusers to tattle and by responding to such manipulation by convicting you on heresay and implication, is a direct violation of Jesus' teachings and menthods.

    Stand you ground and make it known that they are out of order.

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