www.meetup.com - Great site for ex-JWs...

by cognac 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Well, I came across that site and thinks it's awesome! I wish I had thought of the idea... Anyways, I'd thought I would share it with you all because a lot of JWs that have left the BORG end up losing all there support system. This site makes it so that you can meet up with other people at public locations with the same interests as you. They have meetups for ex-JWs, dog lovers, kids play dates, etc...

    Well, I thought I would pass it along because I really think it would be great for those that have left and are looking for new friends...

  • Gayle

    Welcome!!! Two groups in Phoenix metro area. Most members here just met thru the Meetup site. A couple of us had some contact long ago as JWs and now have found each other here again. Our Meetups (once a month) are fun actually. No specific belief agenda, non- judgemental, supportive and understanding, upbuilding. Some still can't have their picture taken here as still have JW family and must have aliases. I have some literature of exJWs that we pass around month by month. Many exJWs writing books nowadays.

    One girl emailed me through this Meetup site that had a JW boyfriend, wanting to learn about JWs as he would not talk about it. It was very successful informing her of the facts. Young people today are so comfortable to research and investigate. She ordered Ray Franz' book through Amazon. Fortunately, she knows more about JWs than JWs and has been spared ever becoming a JW.


    I hope to see these meetup groups develop in cities all around.

  • truthsetsonefree
  • Nosferatu

    Remember when meetup.com was FREE? There were way more ex-jw groups before they started asking for money.

  • Gayle

    It's $15/mo but fortunately there's a handful of us that go in on that together.

  • Snoozy

    They want money now?

    That's as bad as when White Castle used to charge a dime to use their bathrooms...that only lasted for a few years.

    When I first came on the boards about 7 or 8 years ago, they posted a link to a site where XJW could list their name and address for any to see if they knew them. They listed their real name and their board name. I lost the link and haven't had any luck finding it. It was NOT the MEETUP groups, it was like a ledger with all the names and states and E Mail addresses of the ones that signned up.


  • Brocephus

    Any one in North Texas want to do a group? Let me know email [email protected] Please.

  • cognac

    They want money now?

    The people organizing the groups have to pay meetup.com fees. Then the members of the group may pay the organizer to help contribute to the fee.

    they posted a link to a site where XJW could list their name and address for any to see if they knew them.

    That would be awesome to have. I'll start a new thread for it...

  • cognac

    bttt - In case somebody missed this and doesn't know about it...

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah great I'm here in friggin Australia so.....when are you guys coming over for a Barbie?

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