I got my hands on the new "Wonders of Creation" DVD release

by Megachusen 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Megachusen

    My head is still ringing from all the delicious spiritual food that I received today so I won't have my review up for at least another day or so. Suffice it to say that the DVD is extremely well designed(For the society, that is). You can tell right away that they put a lot of money into CG planetoids. It's too bad that they still can't find a good actor in the whole damn religion though. :D

    Since Tuesday said a few days ago that he wanted a copy to critique I'm going to have that up for him to download (and presumably all of you who want to see it also) soon.

    My brain is pretty much cooked but I think I can still take a few questions about the DVD, so go ahead and ask away!

  • leavingwt


  • HintOfLime

    Does it discuss evolution at all? By the title it would almost suggest to me that it's going to be 30 minutes of 'oohs and ahhs' and possibly gloss over evolution without any actual meat to critique ("Because sunsets are beautiful, there must be a God.")

    In other words, is there anything to debate, or is it just appeals to ignorance/emotion, opinion, and dogma?

    - Lime

  • Megachusen

    Right you are, Lime! The whole video avoids evolution like it's the fucking plague. I'm assuming that the society is beginning to get wise to the fact that they aren't going to beat evolution in a game of science so they're switching up their style.

    Don't worry though. The society uses 5th grade science to try to convince the audience that the world is just too amazing for God to not have created it. Since they still (try to) use science, however, critiques can still be made. Half of their evidence seems to have been pulled out of a VenomFangX video("IF THE WORLD WAS 5% CLOSER TO THE SUN WE WOULD ALL DIE!" etc.).

    To be honest, I was surprised that at the end Ray Comfort didn't come onto stage with Jarcas weilding a banana.

  • HintOfLime
    To be honest, I was surprised that at the end Ray Comfort didn't come onto stage with Jarcas weilding a banana.

    Lol. Oh well, what else are they going to do? Until Bible 2.0 is released, they're stuck with the same old red herrings.

    - Lime

  • donuthole

    So like a WT-esque version of Privileged Planet.

  • VM44

    Is quantum mechanics mentioned in the "wonders" dvd?

    I am guessing that it is not, it is a subject too far removed from the average person and so not well suited to be included in a propaganda piece.

  • WTWizard

    Fifth grade science? I wonder if it's all fully integrated at the fifth grade level--I doubt it. More likely, they take parts out of context and twist things around to support the creation doctrine.

    I once heard that one could fit all the evidence for evolution on a ping pong table. I say that I could fit all the evidence for creation on a ping pong table, and play ping pong on that table with all that "evidence" not even interfering with the game!

  • Megachusen

    "Is quantum mechanics mentioned in the "wonders" dvd?"

    No, they try their best to stay away from anything too difficult for the average dub to understand. Instead they focus on very simple middle school subjects like how ice freezes(wtf) and fractal patterns in a snowflake(granted that part is in the special features section).

    At one point they use the standard creationist approach of "lets show a bunch of 'amazing' statistics to persuade the audience into beleiving in God". For example, they said early on in the video that there are so many stars that if you put a single star on each page of a book it would take you your whole life to flip through all of the pages.

  • HintOfLime

    I always took those sorts of statistics to demonstrate how inefficeint God would have to be. (I don't believe there is a god, but to make this discussion easier, let's pretend there is one. Should be easy for most people.)

    Does the video mention that when God put those billions of stars in the sky for us to gaze at.. he didn't give us eyes capable of seeing all but a small percentage of stars in our own galaxy? Apparently the other 99.9% of the universe he created for the Hubble Space Telescope.

    Does the video mention how big the universe is? I've read that even if we could travel at the speed of light, the universe is spread so far apart that all the stars in the universe would die before we could explore 2% of our own galaxy.

    Does the video mention that the universe has an age? The sun is roughly in the middle of it's lifespan, and will destroy the earth a few billion years from now. Why did he create the sun so that it would burn out, and then after lighting the fuse wait for it to burn half way before creating life?

    Oh well, I guess if he wasn't doing that, he'd get busy making more bacteria, viruses, fungus, and protazoa to infect us, another favorite hobby of his. Of all of 'creation'.. the bulk of diversity comes in the form of stars and microorganisms that have no use to us - we can't even see them.

    If humans are supposed to be of some note in God's creation, why so little diversity? We basically come in a few different body types, a couple different skin tones, and a couple hair/eye colors. We have whole regions of our brain dedicated to detecting subtle difference in facial structure so we can tell eachother apart. If there was a God, why would it seem he spent so little time designing us? We really do just look like hairless chimps with our proportions stretched and squashed a bit, and given a bigger brain.

    - Lime

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