Why do JWs think they are "better" than the rest of us?

by Almost_Did_It 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Almost_Did_It

    Why is it that the majority of Witnesses seem to think they are "better" than the rest of us... I almost became an unbaptized publisher... I say almost... I was in and out for about 2 years, but always felt that the members of the congregation looked down on me... what is that all about? How does that kind of behavior correlate to loving your neighbor and exuding love all the time... they talk about intense love and the condition of your heart... well, if the condition of their hearts is that they think and feel that they are better than everybody else, that just don't jive...

    Another question... anybody know how to get in touch with ex-JWs in their geographic area> It would be great to talk to someone face-to-face :)

  • loosie

    Well they are told constantly that they are gods favored people better than the "worldlies" out there. because god is gonna kill all of them and save only the JWs. Imagine being told that all your life. you will develop a superiority complex.

    Then the most holy JW's are better than the just barely there publisher.

    Love is a secondary, no third, no forth no fifth, thought for them.

  • mrsjones5

    "Well they are told constantly that they are gods favored people better than the "worldlies" out there. because god is gonna kill all of them and save only the JWs. Imagine being told that all your life. you will develop a superiority complex."

    Yep, that's my mother

  • blondie

    The elders look down on the rank and file (more than one CO told them they had more holy spirit than the R&F)

    The pioneers look down on the rank and file (more than one CO told them they had more holy spirit than the R&F)

    2 jw parent families look down on the single parent families (or from "divided" families)

    and so on

    bur everybody but everybody can look down on non-jws.

  • BabaYaga

    It is a survival instinct. They endure all manner of indignities and persecution, because they have been told that they are "God's Chosen People". They have to believe that they are better than everyone else, or else their entire dogma (and reason for suffering) falls apart.

    Hearty welcome, Almost Did It.

  • Quandry

    Welcome Almost_did_it

    Just be glad you didn't!!!

    You said:

    How does that kind of behavior correlate to loving your neighbor and exuding love all the time... they talk about intense love and the condition of your heart... well, if the condition of their hearts is that they think and feel that they are better than everybody else, that just don't jive...

    They think that love of neighbor means to preach to people. Intense love within the congregation? Very much as Blondie said. I know that my husband was an elder. I truly believed that my family might be spiritually harmed by alot of contact with ones who didn't attend meetings regularly-that to remain spiritually strong we must be in close association with those that are in the forefront of Kingdom work-which usually meant the other elders and their families.After all, obedience was primary....meeting attendance would be looked at closely if you were hoping to survive Armageddon!!!

    This, of course, was the advice from the Watchtower magazine and other publications, and the talks at the KHall and assemblies. I followed it faithfully. If, for instance, a person had married a non-witness, I didn't see how it would be wise to associate with them. They were disobedient, after all. End of story. Of course, I never stopped to actually think about the person's circumstances or family history. Witnesses can't read hearts, but go alot by visual cues...meeting attendance, answering, field service-things you can see being done. Unfortunately, if you become sick and are unable to continue these activities, well......

    Ah, yes, intense love.....if others meet the right criteria....even among fellow witnesses.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    In every hall and congregation there is an on going tier system of whose the most spiritual there among the body of members.

    This established social aberration most likely developed over time within the organization when the dividing up and selecting who

    was going to have the most responsibility and perhaps power and control of the members. So the continuing test to see or to appear

    whose the most spiritual. Another thing I noticed , JWS like to feed and measure themselves off one another constantly as a sort

    of contest of righteousness and spiritual strength, this is where most of the gossiping happens at the hall and elsewhere.

    As someone else mentioned the WTS continually reconfirms their flock that they are god's chosen ones of true and pure faith unlike

    any other religion in comparison, this builds up a false arrogance within people's character and personality. In other words we are the

    1 and if you are not part of us you are made evil by Satan's controlling force and you'll therefore most likely die at Armageddon.

  • leavingwt

    Welcome to the forum!

  • startingovernow

    Because they are in a cult, and that's what cult members do. Be proud of yourself for seeing this behavior for what it is - I fell into the trap that I wasn't good enough and had to change to be acceptable - got sucked in and baptized.

  • BonaFide

    Most of the Witnesses I know never thought they were better, at least they didn't think they did. They simply viewed themselves as Jehovah's people.


    Plus active Witnesses are taught to see others by their level of activity or responsibility. So they always ask if you are baptized, and then if you are a regular pioneer, auxliary pioneer, ministerial servant, or elder. That way they can see if you are good association, and you are active.

    But even if you have these "privileges", you are still taught from the platform that you are a "good-for-nothing slave."

    So it's really relative, Witnesses are chosen ones, but they are still good for nothing.

    Sorry they treated you bad.


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