There is a JW Therapist Elder in Southern California - Experience

by BonaFide 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    I know this brother personally, though I haven't talked to him recently. Ok I will check my PM's.


  • Scott77

    I think one person should visit him and pretend to be a patient,sign the form and obtain a copy. It can be used as evidence. Otherwise, the Elder Therapist may destroy all evidences. There is obvious conflict of interest in this issue. Suppose, an individual is a child molester in a congregation and go to him for counselling. State law stipulates that a Therapist must report to police for evidences of wrong doing. However, an individual may be a JW patient , a kind a guy who the WTS is bound to protect as it has done before. So where do this elder stands ?


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    In my old hall there was an elder and elderette who were licensed couselers.

    And yes it was with the understanding that anything that the elders "needed to know about" it would be reported.

    i don't know if they had to sign anything or not but that rule was very clear.

    They were fairly new in our hall (I think they were from california) and they both had full time work as soon as they hung out their shingle.

    I really liked this Bro and Sister, they were some of the most mature level headed JW's I have ever met.

    I would like to know were they are now. I cannot imagine them still being in da troof.

  • DaCheech

    Is this guy ? short pudgy guy with glasses

  • BabaYaga

    That question would have been better asked in a PM, DaCheech... after all the things said on this thread, it would probably be a very considerate thing for you to remove the name in your post.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I have to agree with everyone who thinks that his JW eldership compromises his ethical responsibilities as a therapist.

    The funny thing must be with this guy, is that his cognitive dissonance alarm must be going off all the time. I promise you he will either switch his profession or leave the JW's. Or at least resign as an elder. This can't keep up.

  • villabolo

    "I think one person should visit him and pretend to be a patient,sign the form and obtain a copy. It can be used as evidence."

    Scott 77 I agree with your idea but if the therapist is smart he may not allow the patient a copy of the agreement. In any case that agreement may be null and void in a court of law. The purpose of that agreement may simply be to intimidate a JW patient into not suing if worse comes to pass and s/he is snitched to the elders.

    A concealed tape recorder may be of value.


  • startingovernow

    In his mind, he is probably just doing as Jehovah would want him to do, as directed by the "God's organization":

    w87 9/1pp.12-15“ATimetoSpeak”—When?

    MARY works as a medical assistant at a hospital. One requirement she has to abide by in her work is confidentiality. She must keep documents and information pertaining to her work from going to unauthorized persons. Law codes in her state also regulate the disclosure of confidential information on patients.

    One day Mary faced a dilemma. In processing medical records, she came upon information indicating that a patient, a fellow Christian, had submitted to an abortion. Did she have a Scriptural responsibility to expose this information to elders in the congregation, even though it might lead to her losing her job, to her being sued, or to her employer’s having legal problems? Or would Proverbs 11:13 justify keeping the matter concealed? This reads: “The one walking about as a slanderer is uncovering confidential talk, but the one faithful in spirit is covering over a matter.”—Compare Proverbs 25:9, 10.

    Situations like this are faced by Jehovah’s Witnesses from time to time. Like Mary, they become acutely aware of what King Solomon observed: “For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens: . . . a time to keep quiet and a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7) Was this the time for Mary to keep quiet, or was it the time to speak about what she had learned?

    .... True, it is illegal in many countries to disclose to unauthorized ones what is found in private records. But if a Christian feels, after prayerful consideration, that he is facing a situation where the law of God required him to report what he knew despite the demands of lesser authorities, then that is a responsibility he accepts before Jehovah. There are times when a Christian “must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Acts 5:29.

    ...Anticipating the problem, some brothers who are lawyers, doctors, accountants, and so forth, have prepared guidelines in writing and have asked brothers who may consult them to read these over before revealing anything confidential. Thus an understanding is required in advance that if serious wrongdoing comes to light, the wrongdoer would be encouraged to go to the elders in his congregation about the matter. It would be understood that if he did not do so, the counselor would feel an obligation to go to the elders himself.

    Although I don't know any elders that are therapists, a long time ago I was referred by an elder to a "sister" who was a psychologist. I was having an unbelievably hard time being among JWs, but since I wasn't raised one I was repeatedly told my problem must have to do with my childhood. Yes, I had a bad childhood, and became a JW because of the loving family picture I was given. It didn't take long after baptism to realize something was wrong, I was just led to believe it was me and not the cult I had joined. So I went to this "sister" for help,and besides just encouraging me to switch congregations, she recommended I go on anti-depressants. Now, she was a pscyhologist, and not a medical doctor, but she had a collegue that was a psychiatrist, told him "my case" and he wrote a prescription WITHOUT EVER MEETING ME! Because she was a "sister" and "educated" I trusted her. Goes to show how important being educated yourself is because now I can't believe I went along with this. What I really needed was a therapist knowledgeable about cult mind control who would have helped me leave!

    So, AllTimeJeff, I'm sorry to say I doubt that this elder will give up any of his positions if he truly thinks he is helping his "brothers", which it sounds like he does.

    Although I don't know any elders that are therapists, a long time ago I was referred by an elder to a "sister" who was a psychologist. I was having an unbelievably hard time being among JWs, but since I wasn't raised one I was repeatedly told my problem must have to do with my childhood. Yes, I had a bad childhood, and became a JW because of the loving family picture I was given. It didn't take long after baptism to realize something was wrong, I was just led to believe it was me and not the cult I had joined. So I went to this "sister" for help,and besides just encouraging me to switch congregations, she recommended I go on anti-depressants. Now, she was a pscyhologist, and not a medical doctor, but she had a collegue that was a psychiatrist, told him "my case" and he wrote a prescription WITHOUT EVER MEETING ME! Because she was a "sister" and "educated" I trusted her. Goes to show how important being educated yourself is because now I can't believe I went along with this. What I really needed was a therapist knowledgeable about cult mind control who would have helped me leave!

    So, AllTimeJeff, I'm sorry to say I doubt that this elder will give up any of his positions if he truly thinks he is helping his "brothers", which it sounds like he does.

  • NewYork44M

    I see this as a terrible conflict of interest. If he wants to practice therapy (you did not say what kind), he should not under any circumstances council members of his congregation or anyone where there is the risk of disclosing confidential information.

    This guy should be reported.

  • NewYork44M

    I see this as a terrible conflict of interest. If he wants to practice therapy (you did not say what kind), he should not under any circumstances council members of his congregation or anyone where there is the risk of disclosing confidential information.

    This guy should be reported.

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