Can anyone interpret dreams?

by FiveShadows 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    I had this dream but it's taking me some time to understand it. Quite frankly, it's bothering me bcause It just feels like it has some sort of meaning.

    The Dream:

    i was in a house with furniture and it had a rectangular shape to it. There was an old man that was there with me, he looked like a homeless man but he wasn't homeless. Death was riding a horse on the outside of the house. It looked EXACTLY like one of the wraiths from Lord of the Rings, Except the horse was paler (like in the book of revelation). I was terrified, because he kept calling my name. But my name that I have was not the name in the dream. In the dream he hissed/whispered the name "Evergreen." I also had a last name that he kept calling me BUT I can't remember it now. I was on the floor of the house and i kept trying to hide from Death, behind furniture and so forth. The old man was also on the floor but he wasn't really hiding. He was very compassionate and loving in personality. Death passed by the long side of the house with his horses hoofs making noise and the sound of metal clanking (like armor or something). then he would go to the short end of the house and make an " L " path on one side of the house. All the while, he's calling me Evergreen. The old man looks at me and says 'your going to have to face and fight him' and I begin to freak out. I decide to remain hidden, but all of a sudden I found myself transported to the outside of the house facing Death on his horse, about 8 feet apart. There was this HUGE sword that was in my hand at this point. It reminded me of the Final fantasy swords but anyhoo. I began fighting Death and realized it was REALLY easy to fight. I hit him about 2-3 times and he disappeared and I won. But no sooner then I had won, I looked and I was riding a pale horse and had become Death. And then, I woke up.

    I'm really stumped here.

  • HintOfLime

    I worked with a jungian analyst (psycologist that specializes in dreams) for 3 years, and basically each session went like this:

    1. I would relate my latest dream to him.

    2. We would identify key symbols.

    3. He would have me make my best guess at what the situations and scenarios meant. Use your instinct, and try to be honest with yourself. The most difficult symbols tend to be things you won't admit to yourself or face. (For example, an alcoholic might not be able to admit to themselves they have a problem - and simply can't 'see' that a particular symbol relates to a subconcious concern that they are losing control. The first thought they have upon considering what the symbol means might even be 'alcohol'.. but they'll ignore it and keep looking for other fits.)

    Occationally he would offer hints when dream imagery that is common amoung people would pop up.

    Best not to have someone else try to analyze it, however, as they'll try to implant ideas that don't fit and lead off course. Only you know your life and your struggles.

    With each symbol, try to identify something about yourself or your situation that 'feels right'. For example, with the old man, is there something about yourself or your situation that you are currently afraid of? Do you have an inclination or a part of you that you don't like? Etc.

    - Lime

  • FiveShadows

    Hint of Lime:

    There's always parts of me I always dislike, but I don't know. I did rekindle an ew friendship recently but That wasn't even hinted in the dream. I don't know what to thikn of this


  • HintOfLime

    Sorry, I misread it the first time.. the old man and death are two different characters...

    I guess some more obvious questions to ask would be:

    • Is there something you do not want to face right now?
    • Is there something you feel you are going to have to do battle with?
    • Are you afraid you will become something that you fear or don't like?

    (You don't have to post answers here.. just food for thought)

    - Lime

  • Hope4Others

    Dreaming that you are hiding, suggests that you are keeping some secret or withholding some information. You may not be facing up to a situation or not want to deal with an issue. However, you may be getting ready to reveal and confess before somebody finds out.

    The house in your dream, represents your own soul and self. Specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche. Which room were you in?

    Being retangular represents the number four which represents...4.

    Four denotes stability, physical limitations, hard labor and earthly things, as in the four corners of the earth. It also stands for materialistic matters. You get things done.

    To see an old man in your dream, represents wisdom or forgiveness. The old man may be a archetypal figure who is offering guidance to some daily problem.

    Wielding a sword, represents your ambition, competitive nature decisiveness and will power. You seek to hold a position of prestige, authority, and distinction. Alternatively, the sword can be seen as a phallic symbol and thus represent masculine power.

    A black horse represents death but A pale or white horse in your dream, symbolizes strength, power, endurance, virility and sexual prowess. It also represents a strong, physical energy. You need to tame the wild forces. The dream may imply that you have been horsing around. Alternatively, the dream can indicate thoughts of being arrogant and "get off your high horse".

    If the horse is white, then it signifies purity, prosperity and good fortunes. To dream that you are being chased by a white horse, may be a pun on chaste. Perhaps you are having difficulties dealing with issues of intimacy and sexuality.

    To hear your name being called, indicates that you are in touch and in tune with your spirituality. It also makes you aware of your own uniqueness and highlights your individuality but in this case it was not your real name. But an Evergreen as in tree

    represents the cycle of life and may be trying to offer you hope in the midst of despair which could have meaning as it seems to fit the rest of the descriptions....

    Dreams are a part of your subconscious trying to tell us things. Only you will know the true meaning. These are some idea's to ponder..


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Here's my first thoughts, do with them as you will. The old man in the house may be your former religious beliefs as a jw. He's urging you to fight death, and you do, and you think you've won. The JW beliefs would fit in with the square house shape. Square is the shape of stability and permanence. Only later though, after you've become death, do you realize you haven't won. The old man is not afraid of death because he doesn't understand death. Though he's in a square house, the house is an illusion.

    You know you will die, and you're afraid of dying. The horseman using a different name than who you really are is perhaps a fear that you have not defined yourself to the world, that you are afraid you will not be remembered.

  • restrangled

    I'm going to guess at something here.

    You were hiding from death, but were suddenly out side the house fighting death and won....You suddenly found out it was easier than you thought to fight death, and wound up riding the horse, and that horse was even paler than you thought.....(MAYBE WEAKER )

    The man in your dream was just a sideline...ignore that.

    Sounds to me like you learned, you are not afraid of death (as described by jw's) you are not going to die, infact you have taken total charge of that pale white horse, you are riding it AND IN CHARGE, and that paler white horse just my be a little whimpyor not as scary as you thought.

  • cameo-d

    Evergreen's do not die. That's why they are called Ever Green.

    You're safe.

    Were you reading WT material before you went to bed? Or have it on your mind?

  • Confucious


    Without going into details, I used to have this reoccuring nightmare for years.

    I finally interpreted and made a change in my life (my thinking anyway... or rather my attitude) - and I stopped having the nightmare.

    Just looking at your avatar - seems like you might be a fan of fantasy books or movies.

    So that probably triggered your dream - rather than having some kind of deep profound meaning.


  • Robdar


    Just looking at your avatar - seems like you might be a fan of fantasy books or movies.

    So that probably triggered your dream - rather than having some kind of deep profound meaning.

    My thoughts exactly.

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